l Happy Gobble Gobble day! l

| November 25, 2004 || 1:14 p.m. |

I got the job at my brother's work & started work yesterday. Everyone there loves my brother & it was strange being introduced as Keith's little sister again after being away from that for 13+ years. Now I am right back in his shadow only now the ramifications could be greater if I don't act my best at all times. It's a very conservative christian based company, you all know me... I am hardly conservative nor do I live a christian based life.

So what else did I want to write about? I'm getting my own apartment in the middle of December, at least that is the plan. I get paid weekly now so that will definitely help out that cause. A couple of the model homes are selling the furniture it is decorated with, I would get a sweet discount on top of the low prices they sell for anyways but I don't have any money nor credit cards to do so. It would be perfect for me to be able to get furniture so cheap too since I have nothing anyways but what can you do? I have to pay my car payment really late anyways and end up behind financially since no one is in a position to really help me out with that right now.

My Grandma took me to the fabric store and bought me the stuff I need to make brucegirl's scarf. I do hope she likes it. It was tough to find a nice yarn in the colour she wanted.

Damn, I am drunk all ready & it's not even 2PM. I better finish this up before I make an ass out of myself and type something I really shouldn't type.

Today's scope~ Share a grateful heart with your lover. Find a private moment to talk about all that you love about each other. Face extended family as a united front. You're going to be surprised today not only by how good everyone looks, but by how well-behaved they are, too. A nice, quality meal is all you ever wanted on Thanksgiving. Your charisma and smarts are sure things, but they don't necessarily guarantee smooth interpersonal relationships. Even a hint of a know-it-all attitude could lead to a hard time with a partner or coworker. This is a time to think of someone other than yourself. Now is the time to reevaluate a formerly perfect set-up -- is it really such a great idea? Be honest about the flaws, and then stack them up against the benefits to finally get a realistic picture. You may be seen as a role model, even if that's a role you don't want. Remember your responsibilities toward the people that love you.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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