l One day down, it ain't that bad l

| November 29, 2004 || 9:50 p.m. |

My first day went by very quickly, in fact it was so quick we both ended up staying an extra 30 minutes just to finish up our daily work. I can't complain at all since I could only help out with a little bit of it since I am training and we did talk quit a bit. She's a really sweet person and I have a feeling I might end up hanging out with her and her husband perhaps one night a week when they go to the flying saucer. From what she has said it sounds like a lot of fun. There aren't many single girls in my office either, all the young ones are married and pregnant or just newly wed. I don't care though; I will have mine in time, when I am ready, when someone else is ready for me. It's a great company & I am very excited about all the possibilities.

All of my stuff is now here in Texas. It's cool I grabbed my DVD player [first thing] so I can watch my netflix in my own room whenever I want to rather then waiting for when my mom just doesn't care cause nothing else is on. My mom's house has gone through as well so I will be moving in with them on the 21st of this month to the new place only to be able to [cross my fingers] move into my own place a couple weeks later. I think I am going to look into the Bedford area. It seems nice & is right in between work and my family. I don't want to move too far away since that defeats the purpose of living here in the first place. It does suck that I am back to moving so much again but once I get an apartment I am signing a 13 month lease so no more moving until after that is up for sure. I can't afford to break a lease & sure as hell don't want to move again somewhere after I complete the other two moves.

My allergies are back today. The weather has started getting colder and supposedly we are going to be getting sleet this week if not tonight. Hell I can see my breath as I am outside on the patio; it's been a long time since I could watch myself breathe like that. I've never had to drive in sleet or on sleet [if that is even how you spell it], so that is a little scary but I think I will manage. Just look for the California-plated silver echo driving all granny style on the small Texas highways during my morning commute. Yee-fucking-haa!

Anyways, I should get to bed I reckon so I can at least start a normal sleeping/waking pattern again, it took me forever to wake up this morning, even with two super strong, gigantic cups of coffee. Good night/Bonne nuit! Xoxoxoxoxo, angel

Tuesday's scope~ Things may not be progressing at the rate you'd like them to, but at least you're making significant headway. It might be tempting to give up on projects that have been a long time in the making, but you're closer to completion that you think you are. Buckle down and really focus on what you have to do. The more you put off the tedious, more painstaking steps of the process, the longer it will be until you complete it and can finally wash your hands of the whole thing. Daily Flirt: You're not getting ahead -- so what? Revel in this lull for a brief while, because you'll soon be back to achieving monumental goals (with probably monumental stress) in no time. Daily Singles: Don't start anything new right now. Even if you're frustrated with the way things are going, stick it out for one more date or one more round of phone calls.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011