l God has answered our prayers!!! l

| December 16, 2004 || 12:28 p.m. |

The biopsy came back negative!! I just got the call from my mom & all our prayers were answered! She is cancer free!! They still are going to have the MRI done today just to make sure everything is fine since it was scheduled & then they are going to send everything on to the American Cancer Center for a second opinion to be 100%.

Thank you all so much for all of your prayers, comments, love & wishes! We asked for a miracle & we got one! Happy Holidays, miracle on Rochester Drive.

I went out last night w/ Katie [Okay she looks like Katie Holmes so that is her name; I've gotten really unoriginal I know]. She took me to a nice Mexican restaurant called Abuelo's & then we watched "Closer", a strange, funny movie. We had some great conversation, which is something I've missed since being here. It was one of those I've nights I used to have with Tracey only without alcohol. I think we both needed that type of girl night out. I know I've missed having a friend to talk to & hang out with. Tracey, you have to come move here, I need you around!! All in all it was a great night & now today is the best day I've had in a week! My mom is going to be around for a long time & I knew it! I'm just so elated I don't even know what to write. This week could not be ending in a better way! I'm meeting cool people, my mom is all healthy & the only thing that sucks is I have a tonof work to do today...but next week I only work 3 days so I don't give a flying fuck!

Today's scope~ Asserting your freedom Weak, transient effect: This influence stimulates your drive for personal freedom, and if you feel free and unencumbered, you will probably behave quite irresponsibly in other people's eyes. The more you feel that people are trying to hold you back or make you toe the line, the more you will resist. The same applies to relationships. If your partner in a love relationship tries to be possessive or limit your freedom, you will resist. And a dispute could arise from your assertion of freedom. On a very different level, this influence can manifest itself as a feeling of spiritual disquiet, a mood in which you question your fundamental goals and aspirations. And, indeed this is a good time to look at your life in this way. What you learn will be very important to you.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
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A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011