l She's in labor!! The time has finally come l

| December 20, 2004 || 8:54 a.m. |

I just got the call...

My cousin Jayna's water broke & she is on her way to the hospital.

Chad's been instructed to call me as soon as little Mallory Elaine & Mason Lane are born.

Let's wish her a ton of luck on her first pregnany/delivery. I know she's been more then anxious for them to pop out ever since they took her off bedrest & the anti-contraction pills on the 14th.

I can't believe the girl actually called me herself on her way to the hospital! I love my cousin! I know she's been horrible at updating but go show her some love anyways!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011