l I had something specific I wanted to say here but now I forget it l

| January 04, 2005 || 9:25 p.m. |

I wasn't going to write about it, the tsumani, but I just found out thanks to jenny1017, that my celebrity look alike [or so I've been told], donated 1 mil. to the relief fund. I wish I could do that too, Sandra, toss another mil. in there for me while you're at it.

I went out last night to a friends house for dinner, the same friend I met two weeks ago & again we never really made it to dinner. Well last time we ended up drunk & going to a restaurant only to drink more & get huge salads we never really ate. This time we drank but ended up talking [more so me talking] and just never went. We got drunk & made random drunken calls to the few people we both know via myspace. It was fucking hilarious! She gave me the number of one of her admirers that lives in Georgia & I started texting her back & forth with just random shit. I really shouldn't have stayed out so late and even when I did go home I got so completely lost [again] that it took me an hour just to find my way! I called Suisse while I was driving hoping he could do some map@uest to help me out. I managed on my own though, thank goodness I've been here a more then a month... All I knew was when I saw the mile marker saying 0 miles... I was headed in the wrong direction!

So needless to say I am exhausted & not my best today. Thankfully it's Tuesday and I was able to leave work at 6 with just enough left to keep me busy until today's rush of mail came in.

He's coming out here to visit me at the end of the month. He hasn't bought the tickets yet but he's coming to see me first for a few days as he heads across the nation to see his brother. They leave London for the US tomorrow apparently. They're really doing it, they're moving here to America. Damn them for changing their minds about moving to San Antonio. Just kidding, I am glad they are moving here, the states. I know it's good for S too, anything that makes him happy makes me happy.

I came home to a package from him too. He sent me a couple french music CDs and... an angel stitch stuffed doll! He is so adorable I will be posting a pic here [look to the upper left corner here]. I told him I'd sleep with him [angelstitch] tonight. I fully intend too as well. In fact I am going to bed right now.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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