l Day 8... and still counting l

| January 13, 2005 || 11:59 a.m. |

I do believe that I am going to make City Streets my new Cheers for Wednesday night karaoke. I had a blast last night but only got 4 hours of shitty sleep... had the most bizarre dream though about a guy that I've met twice now. We were on some reality TV dating show on MTV & it was myself, some other girl & a guy that had to do these stunts to go out on a date or something with him. One challenge was a scrabble game & no one knew that we were all ready kind of dating so it was strange. There were all these prizes involved & backstage or off to the side he came up to me to whisper some sort of reassurances about the contest & gave me a quick kiss only someone on the camera crew had caught it they chased us off the set & we ran from security. Then while we were running to find either one of our cars we found the prizes we would have or could have won & stole them... I think there was more & a lot more detail but as the morning drones on it gets fuzzier & fuzzier.

I can't wait to get home & fall asleep, well after I help my mom out of course moving the pictures around & prepping for my dad's arrival. I did find someone to work for me tonight at Xpress so no more worries there but I also ended up spending another $100 while I was there! That makes ummm too much money spent there in one week, almost two. Whatever, I needed work clothes; I'm not mentioning the cute jewelry [earrings] I bought that I probably will never wear.

It looks like a fun busy weekend for me. When I am not with my family I'll be sneaking out to sing & go bowling! I have a life!? Wow! Amazing! Maybe life in a big red state isn't that bad after all.

Today's Scope~ Surprising news today could leave you feeling like you've been forced into making a very serious decision tonight. You've got quite a day on the menu. Better take your vitamins. Process an imbalance in your relationship by communicating your needs more directly. Address your combined wishes for the future while you're at it. Just say 'no' to anything new for the moment. Usually you're not such a stick-in-the-mud, but for right now you've got enough to deal with.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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