l Ani day i will live alone again l

| February 01, 2005 || 4:57 p.m. |

I'm getting horrible at writing lately. Again my apologies. But I'm making more excuses about being tired cause I work two jobs & don't sleep enough nor do I get the exercise that I so desperately need.

This cold, dark, raining weather has be a little depressed too. I should go out with a few peeps but then again that is why I am so damn tired. Plus I need to stop spending money again so I can move. I've looked at 3 different places today, I do like the way one looks but they might have something coming available mid month & it's still a little higher then I wanted to pay. The last place I looked was way too expensive & had nothing available anytime soon. I thought I had found the one after talking to an incredibly brilliant Libra [why a Libra being brilliant? c'est impossible! ;)], on myspace but it turns out to be a nice 2 bdrm that is available in her building. Only 750 for a two bedroom but I'd rather pay 350 for a one bedroom for now. I have no furniture as it is so a 2 bdrm is definitely out of the question & out of my price range anyways.

So yeah, that is what I've done today besides realizing I'm a fucking idot for buying Ani DiFranco tickets on eBay with the buy it now button - ummm next time you do that read first please. I bought tickets for the fucking show in HOUSTON & still haven't even received them at that! Ummmm Ani, we have a Houston problem. I saw Verizon Theater & thought ooh yeah there was the Verizon near my in CA so this must be it - dinguette!!! Houston is 5+ hours away & the concert is on a Friday which means there is no way in green hell that I could make it unless I *gasp* called in sick... Ani's worth it but still, I feel like a fucking asshole for buying it now when I should have said no thanks.

I shopped a little last night on ikea.com, found some cute furniture there but then got into an argument about me hating someone else's furniture. Drama, blah. I just want furniture that is only mine & has only been me, eerr. mine.

Xoxoxoxooxxo, angel

Wow, this month seems promising! February's scope~ If your month starts off a little you-centric, well, that's how it starts off. It's okay to be a little selfish, you know. Just don't go overboard. Talk about it the 3rd, and the 5th, watch out for a couple of tricky old 'issues' that could make a mood-altering appearance. Roll with it and sleep as much as possible. After all, you'll need your beauty sleep to prepare for the double-espresso-sized shot of romance that's coming your way the 7th. Make that two double espressos on the 8th! You could be staying up mighty late! And the 9th, you might not have gotten quite enough sleep the night before -- but you feel wide-awake! Kissing is better than coffee any day, right? The 11th through the 14th, you find yourself in 'Relationship Land.' Are you a tourist or a new visitor? Either way, it's sure picturesque. From the 15th to the 19th, you can expect even more natural wonders -- waterfalls, unselfish impulses, caffeine-free highs. Maybe you'll stay for a while. In fact, by the end of the month, you're thinking about becoming a permanent resident.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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