l Clarity speaks for itself l

| February 03, 2005 || 11:03 a.m. |

I going to see Ani tonight! I can tell it's going to be a great day today. I get to go to an office/department lunch at Olive Garden that could possibly last two hours or so & then I get to see Ani in Dallas tonight! woot woot!

It helps too that I feel incredibly cute today! I'll try to take a pic for my moblog so you all can see what I mean. I feel cute but that doesn't mean that I am cute. -----> So before I post a pic of moi, check out what Stitch is doing! Someone bought me some Winter White Chocolate Ice Cream [my favorite seasonal Baskin Robbins creation] & then Stitch decided that it couldn't wait for me!!

I'm just so excited about tonight I can't wait. I was finally able to sell my tickets for the Houston concert last night via ebay. I think it had a lot to do with my good luncheon galpal Miss B on myspace. That girl should really be in marketing. She posted bulletins on every group board she knows of about my tickets & I did a little bit as well. I have no idea which one paid off, I am just glad that it did! I didn't profit at all on it, in fact I completely lost money on the deal but whatever, I didn't lose as much as I would have had I not even been able to have sell them in the first place.

I've gone back to my Yi readings just this morning. If you've ever been into the I Ching you have to check out Online Clarity. Definitely my favorite place to go when I am seeking clarity. I've been very confused lately about a lot of things. But I feel that now I am on my way towards this clarity I speak of. For me it takes a lot of inner soul searching, poetry, singing & of course feedback from folks like you here & my 'friends' on the friends area over at OC. Anyways, this is what I was told:

40. Hsieh / Deliverance
The Judgement
Deliverance. The southwest furthers.
If there is no longer anything where one has to go,
Return brings good fortune.
If there is still something where one has to go,
Hastening brings good fortune.

The Image
Thunder and rain set in:
The image of Deliverance.
Thus the superior man pardons mistakes
And forgives misdeeds.

Change in the second place means:
One kills three foxes in the field
And receives a yellow arrow.
Perseverance brings good fortune.

Change in the fourth place means:
Deliver yourself from your great toe.
Then the companion comes,
And him you can trust.

Change in the fifth place means:
If only the superior man can deliver himself,
It brings good fortune.
Thus he proves to inferior men that he is in earnest.

8. Pi / Holding Together (Union)
The Judgement
Holding Together brings good fortune.
Inquire of the oracle once again
Whether you possess sublimity, constancy, and perseverance;
Then there is no blame.
Those who are uncertain gradually join.
Whoever comes too late
Meets with misfortune.

The Image
On the earth is water:
The image of Holding Together.
Thus the kings of antiquity
Bestowed the different states as fiefs
And cultivated friendly relations
With the feudal lords.

Today's scope~ Shout your love from the nearest rooftop. Don't even think about hiding your feelings, whether they're happy or otherwise. You know when you're getting half the truth. No one can pull the wool over your eyes. This is just one of those days. One of those days when it's good to be you, no matter how you shake it. That will go double if the person you've spent so much time thinking about is clever enough to pick up on those hints and signals and show up when they're supposed to. Bet they will. Bet you'll have tons of flirtatious fun when they do.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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