l Blvd of broken dream [green day] l

| February 10, 2005 || 4:35 p.m. |

*NOTE* I received a comment asking about an entry if it was deleted or not. No, I do not delete my entries - ever. Some for reasons of respect & privacy I make private for a few select devoted readers/family/friends & myself.

I need a new look here & I hate not having FrontPage or anything to work on html with other then notepad. I'm supposed to be working on coming up with a couple other templates for two of my friends & I can't do it dammit! I need my old computer set up, but I can't do that until I get my own place. It won't be too much longer, thank goodness. My little brother is giving me his old computer too so I won't be working on such an old dinosaur as I was before.

I think I am going to look at the last place today after work, that is if I can get there before they close. I really want to make my decision this weekend so I can make my move before my CA weekend trip at the end of the month. I think it'd be more relaxing for me to just be done with that and settled when I take a mini break.

I'm too busy right now to finish posting. I'll try a little later when I get home to blog again... have I mentioned how disgusting the word blog sounds? It just sounds like something done in a rank public bathroom, but that's just my random opinion today.

I might just toss up an old template from last year for right now. Just might go back to an old Betty temp.

Today's scope~ Chatting has always been one of your favorite activities, and today will be no exception. But it's going to be long-distance chatting that will take up most of your time. Prepare to wreak havoc on your phone bill. You are not used to things being so up in the air, but everything will go back to normal soon. Keep your head down and don't worry so much. Someone's about to step into your life and change everything. Lots of calls, emails and unexpected visits will keep you busy at work today, but you won't mind it a bit. The more unexpected they are, in fact, the better you'll enjoy them -- and the people you come into contact with will be in a fine mood, too. A little bit of their moods will rub off, putting you in an even better frame of mind. Don't go to bed too earlier. Spread it around. It's only fair!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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