l I'm so sick of you tonight l

| March 14, 2005 || 2:00 p.m. |

I forgot how comfortable my bed is. down comforter, soft sheets [although not MODAL] & all my cozy pillows. My first night wasn't that bad. I stayed up until 2AM being anal retentive. I couldn't go to sleep until I unpacked all my boxes & alphabetized my DVDs, CDs & video tapes. The CDs proved to the most challenging. I have way too many CD cases in too many different places so needless to say I had to re-do it like 6 times just that night, twice again >the next day as well.

Saturday I woke up pretty early considering how late I was up and met my mom at the Super Wally Wally to do my first shopping trip. My poor little fridge had no food, hell I didn't even have anything more then my one water bottle Friday night so thankfully there is a Sonic directly across the street and so I walked over first thing & tried their breakfast. I got a book shelf & a ton of food essentials: mayo, mustard, bread, milk, eggs etc. I need to do some more shopping but I keep forgetting what it is that I want to get. I swear my brain keeps leaving me.

Anyhow, I had to work Saturday night... it was the longest night I had ever worked. We didn't leave until 11PM & so that got me home a little around 11:30, exhausted but I still did not sleep until around 1AM. I had to be back at work at 10AM too. I'm going to change my availability so I have Sunday completely off. I can't do this anymore, not having one full day off of work. I can't work past 5 anyways cause of Family dinner so it just makes more sense that Sunday be the one day I can rest & relax.

My uncle & his wife are in town for the week so that made for an even more interesting Sunday dinner. I love my family, we maybe crazy but we are fun. We maybe disfunctional but we love hard. I stayed as long as I could at my mom's to socialize but I was tired & the L word started at 9PM. I was considering stopping by Wally Wally to pick up a universal remote [ooh I forgot to mention that my universal remote no longer is universal. It used to work my TV but after pushing the code search button & on/off over 500 times [yes I am pathetic enough to have counted] I am breaking down & buying a new one]. So here I am sitting on the floor & having to get up to change channels & adjust the volume. I haven't put my computer together yet or tried to set it up with internet. I have to figure out where exactly I am going to put it. I have it set up on the dining room table but the phone jack right there doesn't work. I tried to have my Mom's hubby look at it but it's so old & weird he can't figure it out. I suppose I could stretch a cord all the way over but that would be a pain. I just don't have anything in my bedroom to set it on right now & I can't afford to buy anything just yet. All of my money is gone. Well not all, yet. I have more in savings [surprise surprise] then in my checking account. My mom even paid for that first grocery stop this past Saturday. If it weren't my family I would not have as much cute stuff in my apartment. I might not have anything really.

I had my first taste of ghetto-ness last night. About 2AM this morning I was rudely awoken by some hispanic woman pounding on my neighbors door screaming something about nino & some spanish obscenities. This lasted a good 10 minutes. I wish my bedroom window opened better so I could have yelled out for her to shut the fuck up [I doubt she would have understood me] and I was too lazy to actually get out of bed & go to the front door. Ooh and before that around 10Pm when I went to bed it sounded as if the upstairs neighbor was dribbling a car tire on the floor. I had met him Saturday while he was changing what looked like his oil & a car tire on his silver PT Cruiser. Suisse's is much nicer & a turbo. But anyways the hispanic woman wins the award. By the way she was sceaming I can only assume her son was being held hostage & forced to smoke crack. The saddest part was I actually heard a little kid talk to the woman shortly before she shut up. When I say little kid, I mean 5ish; now what the fuck was a 5ish year old kid doing wide awake at 2AM on a school night? Ooh well, not my problem.

But the first time I get a knock on my door from a little kids trying to sell me chicklet I am out of there.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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