l Yesterday = Fucked up shitty ass day! l

| March 31, 2005 || 2:34 p.m. |

I got home around 9pm to find I had NO ELECTRICITY!! It took me almost an hour to get it straightened out - and I still had to pay the reconnect fee when it turned out to be their fucking fault! It was either 38 bucks to be turned on by the next day or 97 for that night... Luckily for me I had calmed down enough with the last guy I talked to [poor girl before I was screaming] and apparently he must have taken pitty on that poor proper speaking girl he spoke to because even though I only paid the 38 bucks, my electricity was turned on within 30 minutes. But even though I reset all my clocks and alarm clocks it still didn't go off leaving me to wake up at 8:15 and be late for work!!! I got here by 8:50ish still but I was late for the first time in the entire time I have been employed here.

Wow, look what $154,950 will get you from my Company in the a great subdivision in Arlington!! 2652 Sq. Feet 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bath and 2 car garage. Gameroom, 2 living areas, fireplace, smooth cooktop, separate garden tub and shower, kitchen island.

That's one of the main reasons I want to live here with my family [Suisse included]. That is not even taking into consideration the discount that I would get if I had a house built [my own customizations] by my company!! Imagine what that house alone would cost in Southern Orange County, CA. Easily over 1/2 a million dollars.

Today's horoscope~ Someone is about to concede defeat -- maybe not in so many words, but you'll know exactly what they're saying when it happens. Basically, you've won. You've successfully defended yourself, against all odds. Congratulations. Don't let this be the last time.

I always wonder if those ever prove to be right. I sure know that Suisse's yesterday was! I should have taken his as a warning for me but nooooo, I didn't. I'm just too damn stubborn for my own good sometimes. *grins*

Today's a much better day considering my inexcusable tardiness. I just wish I didn't have to work at X tonight cause I still have to go grocery shopping for me & Miss B's dinner/slumber party tomorrow night - the Pre-Race for the Cure Private Party. It's still not too late to donate money!! Just click here

Again I am bored here at work so email me!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011