l I finally broke down & bought 6 mos of Super Gold l

| April 22, 2005 || 11:06 a.m. |

Okay someone spank me, please. No really, I mean it. I haven't updated in a couple days and I am so incredibly sorry. I've been relatively busy here at work but aside from that I've been spending a great deal of time online messaging while at work. I'm so bad, I know but I've needed to keep my mind busy. Why? Cause today is the day! I leave work right about at 5 o'clock & board around 6:30. I am so excited, you cannot even imagine. I am having dinner with my friend Mary & her boyfriend after I fly in & I could not be more excited. I didn't get to see her last time I was in town & its actually strange in a way because now that I am further away we've been talking a lot more. When we were only 30 minutes we talked maybe one every 4-6 months but now it's more weekly or bi-weekly. I like that very much. She's the 3rd oldest friend I've had & the only one I talk to [now] on a more regular basis.

That thought got me thinking [durrr] about when I get married. Who is my maid of honor? How many bridesmaids to I have? What's standard? Is there a standard? I don't know. Am I supposed to ask my 1st longest friend to be my maid of honor? I know for sure that all 3 of them will be my bridesmaids along with fuck... that's where I get stumped. I would feel bad leaving a few people out etc. I can count on my hand 5 of my closest friends that I know will be bridesmaids [if they accept of course & yes Miss Tracey you are in that 5 *smiles*]. But with the way I am in need to have 6 just to stay on an even number. Is six too many or still not enough?

If anyone has the answers to any of these questions please feel free to inform me. I don't know really I am freaking out or stressing about any of this right now. It's not like I am engaged or anything.

Okay so more of what has been going on in my life. Can I just say how much I purposely do stupid shit? I worked at X on Wednesday night, didn't get home until almost midnight & being all wound up I poured myself a nice glass of wine to relax...this is my stupid move. I put in the newest Alias DVD I received from Netflix. Ooh no, I can't simply watch one episode, I have to watch all 4 keeping me up until almost 4am. I had to wake up at 7am. To top it all off I was awake until umm... almost 2am last night again. I just am so hard on myself, but I can sleep on the plane & gawd help me if I get stuck next to a noisy heffer or annoying pokey asian woman who feels like she has to elbow me as soon as I've entered REM. Ooh I remembered to grab my headset in case they show an good movie onboard.

I am starving dammit! A co-worker is following me to my apt at lunch so I can drop off my car. I told her I'd buy her lunch too for doing that.

I got my very first bonus here at work!! It was a lot more then I thought it would be & honestly it could not have come at a more perfect time. I was stressing about my carpymt going through & then leaving me with no money until the 30th when I get both paychecks & have to turn around and payrent which is the equivalent to one entire full time check. So it looks like the money tree Mary sent me is working! I am worried about it though cause it looks like something is feeding on its leaves. Does anyone know what that could be? I am so inept with gardening, no green thumb for me, from here it actually looks more black.

Okay I'm going to check in online for my flight. If I am not too swamped and can think of more to say I might post again. If not I will be back in TX late Monday night so consider yourselves notified that I will not be updating again until possibly Tuesday.

Bon weekend et � tout � l'heure!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011