l Again spank me but I promise I'll get better l

| May 09, 2005 || 5:02 p.m. |

I got sh*t-faced drunk Friday night. Not intentionally mind you. I went out with a co-worker with the thoughts of just having one or two ice cold beers. Three beers, a quarter of brisket, sausage & fries later we were making plans to meet up with my boss & another co-worker at the Mule. This was 9pm, by 1030 I had an additional 3 beers & my nextdoor neighboy showed up with his hot turned out to be a twin friend. Well I ditched my boss & co-workers to hang out on the patio with said neighboy & company for a little while [hey I spend all week with them] & the other hot twin [who's married & his expecting his first baby boy] showed up with a couple others [actually another couple]. Well after shooting the breeze & some harmless flirting the single hot twin decided that he just had to swing by his buddies house for his going away to the military party. Since my co-workers were gone by this point I tagged along. Of course I couldn't tag along unless I had yet another beer while socializing. Ummm actually arguing or chastizing a guy for having a booty-call that he was embarrassed to talk about. Apparently all of them went to high school together & she is so repulsive he doesn't want them to know that he's fucking her on a regular basis. Wow, now I've heard about that watching SITC but to actually hear it in person. I about toppled over! That just goes to show how much men think with their tiny brain rather then their real one. Men care more about getting off then anything else. whatever...

Okay so we had to run downtown before last call, for what you ask? Another drink! As if I needed it. Anyways, my drunk ass started hobbling around [my toe ring decided to act up for the first time in the last decade it's been on my toe] so as soon as we made it into the 'library' I headed for the bathroom to free my poor little toe. As gross as it sounds it made perfect since to wear it on my finger, well at the top of my first knuckler, rather then put it in my pocket.

Drinks while at the library = 1.5 beers & 1 royally fucked shot.

Back to the apartments we go... I had to be dropped off at my car which was back at the mule. I'm a fucking idot for driving home but it was only a mile or two. Of course I couldn't just go home! No, that would be rediculous! Instead as soon as I got home I called Bobby to see whatelse was going on. Scene-it apparently. And I offered to bring a bottle of wine. Could I be asking for anymore trouble then that??

Got my ass kicked at scene-it [which honestly as drunk as I was I am surprised I even could watch or read anything], and then woke up in bed at 6am something with a beyond-pounding headache, major nausea [duh], cold sweats. It was horrible. Beyond horrible. I was dry heaving, actually kind of doing the bile puking thing, [I don't think I got sick anywhere else so why did I have nothing to come up?] then would crawl back into bed to suffer & try to sleep more. I did manage to sleep. My mom called at 1130 because she wanted us to do the matinee thing. I wanted to since it was Mother's Day weekend & I had initially suggested it. I crawled into the shower only to crawl back into bed after I got out. I just couldn't do it so I called her back & told her how retardedly sick I was because of my own stupidity. I had to call into work at X sick too. I think that pissed them off cause even the manager that loves me seemed to have an attitude when I said how sick I was. "you're sick again?" Yeah, sick & stupid but they didn't need to know why I was sick.

Surprisingly I wasn't scheduled to work Sunday [miracle or are they just deciding not to schedule me because lately I either request it off or call in sick? Hmm I wonder], So I slept until 630ish Saturday night & watched movies trying to eat plain bread & water until almost midnight before crawling back in bed. I actually was able to sleep, yet again, for another 12 hours.

Rather then Sunday dinner my older brother decided to do the Mother's Day brunch which is amazingly good. But ass that I am while gathering my laundry to do at my mom's afterwards, I left my driver's license & ATM card in my jeans pocket from Friday night..then left my laundry bag at home. Of course I didn't realize this until after I spent 20 minutes picking out cards for my Grandma, Mom & Sister-in-law. Thankfully I decided not to get the flowers cause I would have looked even more the fool at the register not being able to pay for it. I should start carrying cash only.

Well the day got better. I promise it did. We had a lovely brunch then watched Meet the Fockers. I then drove all the way home, grabbed my laundry & headed to my Mom's house in time for her hubby to head to the airport for a 3 week CA business trip [he comes back on weekends].

Now it's Monday & we had our Monthly meeting. Not bad, not bad at all considering I got a $250 visa card bonus just for being hired within the last year. It's two-hundrend & Fifty dollars that is good anywhere they accept visa. So now my problem is... what do I spend it on? Clothes? a MP3? Bills? Or Suisse coming out here? Perhaps another CA trip, although I'd rather him come out here since it's his turn...

I really should use it for bills. I'm really running short this month so it could be a gift from my money tree. I am getting short paychecks from both due to my recent trips... Hmm... The way the world works out. amazing.

Time to head to X to work my only week night shift.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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