l I would run through the fields only to be with you l

| May 18, 2005 || 2:38 p.m. |

Brian~ The Star Spangled Banner, while I've sung it many a time before & yes it's a good one for my range... it's on their no-no list. They have a list of Artists & Songs they prefer people not to butcher sing.

BG~ Thanks luv! I'm not sure that would be the best choice for my range but thanks dear!

I've updated a couple times over at the Wedding Planner for all of you who do not have it as a fave or bookmarked.
I must admit that the first entry you will see for today is a little bland but that's only for my own reference guide. I will be writing more later, however, you can go to the last entry from yesterday. The comments for that specific entry aren't working for some odd reason so do like Jayna did & use the comments part in the entry below, it's all on one page anyways right?

It's Wednesday, my usual CA night for Karaoke at Cheers. I'm really missing all of that. I would go alone, that was just how much of a home it was. I know no one here well enough to be so comfortable & it's showing. I don't go anywhere! I did make plans to go tonight to City St. with a Xpress Co-worker. I left him a message but I don't know if he will follow through. It's his last week before he moves to Phoenix so he might be doing other things. I do hope I go but then again my throat is completely jacked up from all this allergy crap. I can't sing at my full potential & do I really want to give him that impression of my voice?

The one thing I am sure of is watching the A.I results show. It has to be V that leaves, she was the only one that didn't live up to her full potential last night & let's face it. Bo is going to win hands down. The judges know it & Clive himself basically signed a contract with him on the spot. I loved the song that Clive picked for C, he did a great job picking every song but V's. I didn't like that for her. Ooh and that song C did, what the fuck was Randy thinking? She's not Shania, not close at all. Not her voice, stage presence, nothing. That was a horrible pick on his part & she did what she could. Just cause it's pop country doesn't mean it's fit for her.

Okay I have a little more then 2 hours left here at work and I have nothing to do, so I'm going to do Wedding stuff! What else would I pass the time away with? Be prepared for another entry over there no later then 5pm CST.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011