l Things could always be worse; for instance, you could be ugly and work in the Post Office. l

| May 24, 2005 || 11:08 a.m. |

Did you all see Tom on Opr*h last night? I managed to catch it at 8pm & to be honest I don't think its an act. I think he might just be head-over-heels in love with Kate. Love does make us act goofy & do crazy things, things we might never do ordinarily which totally applies to Tom. He's always been a very private individual with his personal life & now he is so incredibly happy in love that he physically can't help but show it. Did anyone notice anything that looked like cold sores on the top of Kate's lip? Perhaps it was my TV or my imagination but it looked like there was some red cold sore blistering above her lip... possibly even a zit on her chin. She wasn't prepared to be drug on stage I don't imagine. But then again I don't imagine Tom having said all of that while she watched on the screen in the back. That's a little embarrassing. I don't know, I'm not a celebrity so I couldn't say for sure.

I'm thinking of removing my profile on myspace. I don't use it that much anymore & there is a little too much crap that happens there that I don't really care for. It's a contemplation not a definite.

I actually did some cleaning last night, the bathroom, re-organized my cds [put the loose cds in sleeves & re-aplhabetized them] and umm I think that's all I did. My clothes are still in a huge heap on my floor, they'll stay there until I get more hangers and possibly even bring over the rest of the clothes that are still in the closet at my Mom's.

BG, I sent your package out today GPM and it says it will take between 4-6 days to get to Norway. Woot Woot! Finally huh?

A.I is on tonight and it is the final showdown. I wonder if each of the will sing 4 songs. That's a little much if you ask me, I kind of get bored even when they sing 3. I guess that's just my impatience bubbling to the surface. I just want to know dammit! Simon predicted that it will be Carrie but I'm not sure. It's too tough for me to decide. I think Carrie will sell more albums but I have a feeling Bo might walk off with it. I don't know.

I need to work on a little bridal stuff today too. Perhaps it's about time to buy a magazine or two. Someone over at the The Knot suggested buying a wedding planning book. I'll look into some stuff I guess, perhaps I'll even add a few items to my amazon wishlist.

I have a lot to do this week. I need to get my oil changed desperately, I was going to do it this weekend but... I just never did. I'm so horrible with that, horrible. My poor little car. I have about 18 payments left until she is completely mine but with the way I've been keeping her lately I don't know if she'll even last until then. I really need to get on the ball & save up enough money for a down payment on my MINI. If I got a nice dp accumulated and still had my car as a trade in I might be able to keep a nice low [relatively low] car payment. I love day dreaming about my MINI. Tis such a beautiful thing!

Back to work for me!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011