l Fuck driving, I want to walk or bike everywhere l

| May 25, 2005 || 2:58 p.m. |

Bid on my item!! It's 5 months new & I am leaving all my downloaded/paid for ringers on it!! [Check the listing for the list]I have all ready deleted all my contacts, messages etc. If you have Sprint PCS only though, or want Sprint. I just adore my new phone! But I would like to get my previous phone out there rather then have it gather dust on my shelves or in my closet after all I bought it new from Sprint only 5 months ago.

Okay it's my bitch time.

Texas Drivers... SUCK!!!!!!!
Not only are there a million and one suicide lanes [on/off ramps that immediate merge with the 'fast lane' but there are so many off ramps that are within 100 feet of a stop light where the drivers that are all ready on that 'service road' are trying to move over to turn left or even just staying put in their lane and the IDIOT fucking BLIND ASS drivers coming from the freeway just nearly run smack into [or actually make the other drivers end up smacking into the IDIOTS passenger side] just trying to brake fast enough & not get rear ended by that said 'emergency' braking. Did that make sense? If not picture this. I am driving to get onto the freeway when all of a sudden this fucking ENORMOUS Black SUV is moving directly into my lane, no looking, no nothing, not a GD thing making me have to slam on my brakes while laying on my horn to try to get the MORONS attention so I don't end up hitting him. Well he jerks a little left but then proceeds to come into my lane - my bumper was literally 1 foot from hitting this DUMB ASS. Thankfully no one was behind me or I would have been ASS FUCKED hard. Then get this... The JERK finishs moving into far right lane and stops to scream out his window at ME! Ooh he was flipping me off while he was cursing me out as well.

The other thing about RETARDED Texas Drivers is when turning left at a light where there are two [2] lanes turning I've had the fucking idiots move directly into MY lane which is the far right lane [coming from the wide left turn lane] completely running me off the road or just cutting me off depending on how much faster they are going then me. When you're in the closest most inner turn lane you are supposed to go to YOUR inner left turn lane not swing out wide to the farthest right lane. What is it that makes Texans such MORONIC drivers? It must be the ego, the inflated egos that each & every born Texan has because their state has a bigger penis then all the other lower 48 states.

*sigh* Okay, enough ranting I have to go unload 10 boxes of 8x11 paper = 100 reams, 5 boxes of 8x14 and 3 boxes of 8x17. Getting my arm work out today!!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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