l How can I find what it is I am looking for... l

| May 27, 2005 || 3:10 p.m. |

I'm such an idiot. I bought an ipod shuffle on ebay and then discovered that I could have just bought it on the apple.com site for less including free shipping and handling. Lesson learned: never put in a higher bid then the actual cost of the damn item. Maybe I can just resell it and make my money back & possibly more. Hmm... a thought but I couldn't do it until I actually got the item.

So I'm extremely tired & delirious today. I worked at X until well after 1am & then couldn't get to sleep until after 2. Fucking Visual Inspections & then me getting stuck having to "per-fect" the sale section where we have a ton of those damn annoying wrap shirts, tops whatever. None of the ties could be touching the ground or hanging so there I was stuck tying them all up. Argh. I was about to quit.

The best part about this 3rd job, if I do get it [I'll find out Monday], is that it is a kiosk. A small cube like thing in the middle of the malls halls, which mean closing will be a snap! I might just end up leaving X if I get this other job but I'll have to wait & see how it goes... if it goes.

I got some great Tunes thanks to GE, you're the best man!! I also got me some books recommended by Sexyatheist. I broke down & bought Survivor, Invisible Monster & Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk. Now I have read Diary, thanks to my dear friend Thea, she had sent that along with some other goodies to me a little more then a year ago [or was it more?]. Thea introduced me to Mr. Palahniuk & I could not be more grateful and since Sexyatheist recommended these I just had to. The last one, Invisible Monster arrived just today with my CDs from GE. I love getting packages, especially on a day like today when I'm feeling especially tore up & beat down.

Yeah so the ipod thing. I am fucking retarded, I just saw them at Target of all places & I could have gotten it cheaper there right on my lunch break. I should have wasted that money getting my hair done. My damn roots are grown out 2 inches or maybe even more since I got it done back in January when Suisse came out for the first time.

Another frustrating thing for today is my ebay auction for my 5 month new phone. I've had 3 questions about my phone but not one of the questioneers have bid, I answered quickly too and the answers were all positive ones... Dammit.

okay I take that back it's exploding now & there are only two hours left!! It's gone up over 60 bucks in the past hour. Sweet. Come on bidders, less then two hours left.

I'm going home to bury myself in my couch with my covers tonight and sleeping... I forget if there is anything else I wanted to share, if I remember I'm sure I'll post it later.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011