l I used to enjoy ordering supplies... l

| June 10, 2005 || 4:36 p.m. |

My brother's won their first game by a mile although I wouldn't have known that since I was running after my neice & nephew on the playground the whole night. I really love watching them & doing all that fun stuff. Kole is a little dare-devil & I swear he's going to be a contortionist when he gets older. Playgrounds have come a long way since my day [in the 80's] and now all the ladders are twisted and curvy, he would climb, with loose sandals on, slowly and carefully but I would be standing there in my old cheerleading spotting position ready for anything. The scariest part was when he'd start to climb up the fence right in front of the bleachers, I was behind him but he just kept right on climbing until he was well out of my reach... that's when I had to stop him, I couldn't grab him since just to reach his ankles I'd have to jump. Negotiating with a two year old is difficult but I managed to talk him down. I wish I could describe all the cute things that happened, I just don't have time nor the desire to type it all out.

We have summer interns in our construction department, all from TX A-N-M of course, and one of them is a girl. One of them is a hot girl. She's always wearing those short khaki shorts and a cute little polo with her dark brown hair in a long pony tail. She's got some incredible legs, very very ummm making me think bad un-christian-like thoughts [I have to laugh at that one]. She looks like she runs a lot, those legs are built for cheerleading, not soft fluffy cheerleader, but base, competition stunt cheerleader. Those precious things go all the way to a perfect ass; definitely not flat, not big, just right. Damn I feel like goldie locks.

I'm bored and kind of in trouble here at the office. I ordered all our office supplies via St*ples, it should have been here yesterday, we are out of paper & our elevator was supposed to been shut down at 3pm. Well everyone is bitching to me about having no paper. So I called our other people, the ones that have been bugging me to death to use them, he promised to have it here by 2, that would have been perfect but now the elevator is still running and I have now 2 [two] thousand dollar supply orders on a race to my office. I just refused the order that was promised to be here an hour and a half ago. The guy that made that promise is now calling me frantically while I am on the phone with St*ples confirming that yes it is being delivered. I hate this shit.

I need to go home and have a stiff drink, first off I need to buy the stiff stuff on my way home. I think I'll do vodka since I have the v8 at home all ready. Bloody Mary it's your night!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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