l Tempation Island l

| June 14, 2005 || 4:36 p.m. |

I'm bored again, so incredibly bored but I did receive some very interesting and prospectfully great news this morning [for me at least]. One of our selection coordinators is having trouble with her visa and has to take a leave of absence for a few months until it gets straightened out. I think she had a school visa which with one of those you are technically not allowed to work and if you stop going to school or at least are not enrolled, the visa expires. The appt coordinator filled me in this morning also mentioning that this woman was going to go back to school for a while. If she thinks she is going to cheat the system by going back to school to re-activate her visa I think she is going to be sadly mistaken. It's going to happen all over again unless she changes it to a work visa which will allow her to be employed.

So, I don't know how soon that will take effect but I am going to stick my nose in the company business to find out if that means I can slide on over to fill that position. That would fucking rock, pardon my francais.

Did I mention I was bored? It's starting to be slow during the week now and it is driving me batty. I can't wait to be in another position [wouldn't mind Suisse being involved in those other positions either].

I like the Killers. The band or whatever. I just thought I'd mention that, they're pretty cool from all I've heard [which is like 2 songs I think].

I need to get my lazy ass to email Tamar my list of Karaoke songs I want to get from our friend. I'm really jonesing to see my friends again too. I want them to come visit me, lord knows I can't afford to fly right now though. I think Mary is going to be out here the weekend of the 15th in July and who only knows when Suisse will come out. I'm just too damn lonely for it to be safe. Ya know? I think that is the main reason I seclude myself, keep temptation at bay.

I'm self-destructive I think. Fuck, I don't know. I used to be I know that much. It's amazing to read the entries I started this diary with. I've come so far, but have I really? Good Question.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011