l fucked up friday l

| July 08, 2005 || 4:38 p.m. |

I'm feeling like hell today yet everything kind of seems to be working itself out. My friend Miss B was going to stay the night and we were going to go out but now she's tied up with work and stayed out way too late last night anyways. Crazy girl's gone wild since her babes are away for 3 weeks. Yeah, so it turns out to be my Sister-in-law's birthday tonight and the family is getting together at some restaurant for dinner.

My back is killing me even more today. It keeps getting worse so it seems and now its even including my neck. i met a girl that does massage therapy so I am going to schedule an appointment with her asap! She has the keys to the Salon so I might even see if she can do an afterhours thing sometime tomorrow night after I work.

I'm dehydrated, frustrated, in pain, on the rag and tired as all hell. I hope I can make it through dinner or even to dinner. I hate being so emotional during this time of the month. I just want to freak and can barely control myself. I also push too damn much at times likes these.

I'm not drinking tonight, I can't do it cause I'll just get even more emotional and then pick up the damn phone! Drunken dialing for me can be dangerous albeit funny I'm sure.

I can't even get myself to write anything else. I just have no muse, no drive. Sorry guys. I've been sucking lately. It'll pick up as soon as I catch up on my sleep.

On a funny note. I just got a SPAM email from someone named "Gretchen BeGay". The ironic part about that is I just recently met a lesbian named Gretchen.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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