l Too old for this shit l

| July 12, 2005 || 11:16 a.m. |

I'm getting way too old to stay up until 430am and get to work by 8am. I'm too old but I did it anyways. I made a great dinner of ravioli with alfredo sauce and artichoke hearts. My timing was damn near perfect as well. The one thing I completely forgot was to preheat the oven for the garlic bread [texas toast]. I better sleep well tonight. I have to go to my Grandma's for dinner also so I can burn some DVDs that I am way behind in burning. I am so tempted to not go again like I did yesterday but I need to get this done and I work tomorrow night at X.

I kind of feel sick now. I've had a sugar-free redbull and a large cup of coffee... perhaps a little too much but I still feel as if I am going to topple over asleep on my desk. I so wish I could have called out sick but I did that all day Sunday. I can't waste a sick day on just being tired and self-indulgent.

There's absolutely nothing to do here at work until the mail comes and if Monday's small load was any indication of what is head then that's just pathetic. It'll be one slow-ass boring week for little ole tired Angel.

The company is having a silent auction for all the furnishings in one of the model homes. It's a model home from the community we built that my Grandma lives in. There is a lot of really cute stuff but nothing I can justify bidding any money on. In fact the only couple of things I want aren't even available to bid on, the third floor called dibs on them. Doesn't matter cause I really shouldn't be spending the money I try desperately to save [which never works btw]. I just had to empty the 200 bucks from my savings into my checking in order to pay my cell bill and still have some to get by with until the end of this week. I don't think I will need all of it so once I get paid again I plan on moving the excess back into savings... hMmm my car payment is due at the end of this week so I might not be able to, however we are getting our bonuses [I think] on the 22nd paycheck. I really want to just toss that into savings and forget about it. Good Luck to me.

I wish I had enough time on my lunch to go home and nap but there's just no way I'd wake up.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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