l Moving on up... to the north side! l

| August 01, 2005 || 4:42 p.m. |

I'm moving starting tonight into my brand new and improved apartment! I picked my Mom up Saturday morning [after a long ass night out on the town]. We headed over to the apartment place with the expectation of taking a look and signing a contract if the place was decent enough. With hardwood floors in the entry, kitchen & bathroom, brand new plush carpeting, a fresh coat of light beige paint, a large[r] kitchen with a built-in bookshelf, nice spacious patio with storage closet on deck and a walk-in closet large enough to fit a queen-size bed in... it was PERFECT! So perfect in fact rather then waiting until the end of August to move we signed right there on the spot for me to move in at my leisure... leisure huh?? hells no, I am so anxious to get the fuck out of my current place I am moving as fast as my little legs will allow me to. Now I do have to wait until at least the weekend to recruit my brothers to help me with the big stuff and the use of K's truck but come hell or high water I will have the other stuff moved in by the end of the week.

I'm going to take a few pics tonight while moving a bit of stuff so you all can see it naked tomorrow. I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow night at X just so I can move more stuff but I do and I don't want to flake out when technically I have the entired month to move.

I think most of what I will be taking tonight will be my clothes, the hanging crap that I never wear. I had to grab it all from my Mom's this past week because the Aussie's Mom flew into town late late late Saturday night and will be staying with them indefinitely to help out with the cooking and cleaning. My Mom is very thankful for this because she's such a great cook and really seems to enjoy the cleaning aspect. She's such a lovely woman and to hear both Aussie and his Mum talk is such a kick.

My Mom is now getting around without her eyepatch. She decided to give it a try Saturday morning and ever since then she's been doing fine, walking a little slow but not passing out or anything like that. It seems the radiation is really working to improve her eye problems. TG!! Today was her last session as well. Now we hope it will stay improved or improve some more, she is still not comfortable to try driving again.

This weekend went great even though I only got to talk to Suisse for a brief moment Saturday. I really tried to get this posted earlier but for once in months I got a lot of work to do today. Look like the beginning of one busy week.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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