l Don't worry everything's kind of all right. l

| September 06, 2005 || 7:25 p.m. |

I know I haven't been updating and for that I do apologize. I've been staying at my Mom's since Saturday night at her request.

She's doing well considering her condition but I don't think that what everyone else is saying about her not lasting the month is correct. Her body and organs are just so damn strong. The only shit parts are that she can't walk or use her legs at all, has to remain using a catheter and has to be doped up with morphine and stuff which makes her groggy a lot. She has been sleeping all night from 9ish to about 6/7 am every night which is really good. We seem to have her on a better schedule with her meds and such so the quality of her daytime with us is better.

Hospice will be done with their 24 hour care as of 4pm tomorrow. They will be sending someone out once a day or every other day to check her vitals etc. That's the other relatively good news, they deem her too 'healthy' for hospice care right now. We were going to start private nurses for 24 hour care but we decided that wasn't really necessary just yet. My Grandma has the rest of the month off of work and will be there round the clock to bathe and handle my Mom's medications. Now my Mom is a little worried about that but until I can talk to my work about FMLA [Family Medical Leave Act], I can't be around like that. I don't even know if I can get paid FMLA but that is why I am looking into it.

A good friend of both me and my Mom is flying out Thursday morning and while now my Mom says she doesn't want him to see her like this he is bringing his Bijous Jefferson per her previous request. He will be staying with me at my apartment and I plan on taking him out on the town in Dallas to the local Gayborhood. That will be a lot of fun.

My check engine light popped up yesterday [or I think it was yesterday since I didn't recall seeing it before then], so I took it around to T*yota. About 400 bucks later...well I didn't have the 400 bucks but I got out of there with my car still running with that damn light on for about 100. That is until tomorrow morning. Thank Goodness for my Dad coming to my rescue again! I don't know if I will also get the two new tires I need but I won't push anything. It's bad enough he has to help me out at all right now. That's 400 is one week's worth of pay and with not working at my part time jobs right now I definitely can't afford to spend that even if it is for my own car. Those are times when I really wish that I had a damn credit card. Perhaps I will talk to the KeyClub about that this week as well since I will be back at work.

I'm tired and need to get a good nights sleep for once especially since I am back to work tomorrow morning. I'll update more tomorrow if I can get caught up.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011