l bored and blah l

| September 27, 2005 || 4:55 p.m. |

I�m not going to be really near a computer for the next few days but I will try in a spare moment to steal a screen to keep up here. I can�t promise that I will be able to update at all but I will do my best to check my emails at the least.

I�m very relieved to not have to work these next few days, I can�t say I�ve really wanted to be here at all the past two days but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

I feel a total void. Now I understand what I�ve read on iamafatgirl�s diary. No matter what I am doing I get a sudden urge to call my Mom and then the sad realization that I can�t. Can you even imagine what it felt like to have to delete her cell number from my phone? Her email address? Talk about one hard thing to do after another.

I haven�t been sleeping well either. I got home at 7am Saturday morning only to pick up Music man at noon [late] then we stayed out until 2amish when I was awoken at 7am when my Mom died. I got myself drunk and sick that night and had to be here in hell [work] by 8 then last night we stayed at my Grandma�s visiting with them and my Uncle and his wife until around 11pm and I woke up to drive MM to the airport [Thankgoodness] by 7. Ooh yeah and my Daddy is arriving tomorrow morning at 6am!

I can�t think of anything else to write. If ya miss me so you can text message me at anytime!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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