l Well I'm back online. l

| October 03, 2005 || 4:22 p.m. |

My computer has been working online now since Wednesday so I really have no excuse as to why I haven't updated other then I've just been busy with the funeral crap. My little brother not only had to reformat the whole damn thing but he got me all my programs! I can start playing with html again! He introduced me to a nice file sharing programs called I mesh well with others.

Leave it to me to run two red lights and get pulled over while caravanning to my mother's funeral/burial service. The pig-assed cop not only followed me through the first light [I maintain it was clearly orange when my front tires were all ready in the intersection] but watched me and pulled me over after I ran the 2 nd light. Flashing motor cop lights + one all ready emotionally devasted Angel = instant uncontrollable spastic seizures, crying and pleading about getting lost on my way to my Mom's memorial service. The prick threatened that if I didn't call my family and have them "slow the fuck down" he'd write my "ass" a ticket. Those are all his words. Did I mention my Dad was sitting passenger and told me to go through the 2 nd light? Anyway, I could have been hauled off to jail since my TX plates are not on my car and the only plate I do have on there is my expired since March CA plate on the back. Ooh yeah and I still have not got a TX drivers license so I'm well past the due date for having moved and needed to have done all that. Ooh well. My Mom got a great laugh at that I'm sure and in fact I can hear her now telling me that I need to get my ass to the DMV and do all that stuff like she thought I had told her I did months ago.

I haven't really done much of anything other then drink and not sleep.

I still haven't paid my car payment, haven't been able to but I have to write a check for my rent today... not that I have all that either but I can't dodge the door at my apartment while I can sort of dodge the calls that come in on my cell phone. Besides I'll have money soon. I sent in all my paperwork for the insurance company today via certified return receipt mail. Apparently they set up a money market account for each beneficiary and give out a checkbook that the monies can be drawn from but not for anything under $250. I can either write myself a check to put some of it into my account or whatever I want.

I was thinking of rather then buying a house, which is something I am just not ready to do, that I should or could use it to finish college or go to a Culinary Arts academy like I had started to look into there in Pasadena. There is that really uber nice one in NYC. How fucking sweet would that be? But question about that... do they provide housing? How much extra are we talking? I have to look into all that stuff but first and foremost I am getting my wisdom teeth taken care of. Health comes first and your teeth are very important to ones health.

My birthday is in 17 days. I've decided that there are a few things that I really would like. I've given this list to my family so it's not really an open list that I am asking readers to fulfill [you may be so generous on my amazon wishlist if you so desire].

If I do get another TV though I'll need a place to put it in my room. I don't want to just put it on my dresser, I want to be able to keep my mom's jewelry box and stuff there plus the princess die porcelain doll once Aussie finds it.

That's actually quite a bit of stuff I want for my birthday huh? The thing is I never tell them anything I want or at least I never did before. There's not a ton of stuff that I really do want thought. A re-subscription for here either gold or super gold, The last unicorn on DVD and I don't know... a Kings Jersey with Avery's last name on it. * giggles *

Finally hockey is back and I will be there at the arena to watch Dallas play the Kings this coming Wednesday, ooh yeah that would be the last thing... tickets to see the Stars play the Kings on my birthday. That would be fucking sweet... and I could go wearing my Avery Kings jersey.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011