l Just another boring blah day l

| October 10, 2005 || 1:04 p.m. |

I am sitting at home bored off my ass. In case you didn't read yesterdays entry and don't know why I am stuck at home all week go back here to find out.

After you've read all that and if you don't have a weak stomach you can see what they did here

**warning photo contains graphic images!**

I can't do much so that really sucks, not only am I bored but my options are very limited. I can't even be online very long without getting extremely nauseated. Damn medications are no fun. The Vicodin they tried to give me broke me out in a horrible itchy rash. Damn it I can't even handle the fun to abuse drugs!

My birthday is coming up in about 10 days. My brother's girlfriend has it all set up for the 3 of us to go eat a fabulous dinner at her twin's men's club and then it's off to the Kings/Stars game where [hopefully] since it's my day the Kings will prevail!

I was surprised [don't ask me why] by how concerned both my brothers were about me when they found out I was in the hospital. Now I didn't receive any flowers and had no visitors [my new boss and the gal that hired me called my hospital room to check in on me, I actually think they wanted to call the hospital and ask for me just to make sure it wasn't a lie but that could just be my paranoia].

The kiddies wanted to see my stitches and since I don't have any I did show them my glued wounds. Okay well I only showed them the one on my right side 4 inches below my boob. It's very difficult to see the one in my belly button and I wasn't about to pull my pants down to show them the one on my pubic bone, hell that one is in the hair!

My grandma spoiled me by buying me tons of soft foods like pudding, Jell-O and sherbet to eat since my diet has to be restricted for the first few days, thankfully she did that because after my rent check went through and my paycheck I have about a dollar left in my account until next Friday. I don't even get paid for the week that I have to take off! Can you believe that? CC said that we'd talk about it when I got back to work; since my anniversary date is in late November they said that perhaps they can advance me some PTO. I would much rather prefer a couple people donating me a day of their own PTO so I don't have to lose my own but I don't even know if my company allows that more less anyone actually thinking of that themselves. I did dream that they offered to do that though but dreams are just that; wishful thinking.

Okay I think it's nap time again.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011