l Happy 26th Birthday to me!! l

| October 20, 2005 || 3:26 p.m. |

My family dinner last night went great! Everyone was there with the exception of Aussie [My mom's hubby]. My little brother got the fountain my Grandma bought me while I was in the hospital working for all the little kids. It felt great to be able to do that for everyone. I have never had a family dinner before and this was the first time everyone was there together at my place.

And now here I sit at my desk for another hour with my beautiful sunflower arrangement my co-workers had on my desk when I walked in late this morning.

I couldn't fall asleep last night. I haven't been able to sleep well at all since I was on medical leave. Damn appendix!

I can't wait to get out of here and go to the game tonight!

I got my TX drivers license today, it takes about two weeks for me to actually receive it but I figure what better day to get it then on my birthday?

All the text messages and phone calls I am getting today makes me miss my Mom. She would always call and sing me HB.

I have to wrap this up or else I will never finish up with my work in time.

Thanks Brian, Brucegirl, Thea, Jayna and everyone else that has emailed, text messaged or called me to wish me a HB.

I love you all!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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