l Can you believe it's all ready November? l

| November 01, 2005 || 11:46 a.m. |

So no updates last night. I got home around 10pm from working at X then going out to dinner with a new gal I met at the halloween party on Saturday.

I've been pretty successful at getting to work on time and of course after spending over $500 bucks at X [with my 45% off I save almost 400], I have no excuse but to wear nice professional clothes. I've used my new hot curlers once but I have been trying to at least straighten my hair everyday. I can't stand having it down when I answer the phone so many times a day. Have you ever held a phone on your shoulder with your hair in the way? It doesn't work very well. In fact it falls very easily. My neck cramps up a lot as well because how many times I need to cradle that damn phone. If only someone could invent a multi-line cordless headset. That would be a dream!

Tonight both Bones and House comes back on. I am not a huge watcher of baseball so it wasn't nice for them bumped for the series. I like baseball just fine but only when watching it in person. It just seems too slow compared to hockey on TV.

Speaking of hockey, I'm going to the Kings/Stars game tomorrow night. Thanks to a good pal on the Stars message board she gave me her two free tickets [she's a season ticket holder]. As if I can miss a game when the Kings are in town! We had slaughtered them on my bday 7-2 but the first game of the season we had lost 5-4 so I am not quite sure what to expect. I imagine the Stars are going to be pretty pumped about kicking our butts but they might use all their energy in the first and burn out. I am not good at predicting scores but I am thinking another 5-4 game. There's 5 more matches so the Kings could handle to lose one... so long as we kick the Stars butts on our own turf for the last 4.

I just wrote letters and checks to each place that is listed on my credit report. Payment in full and stating that receipt of the listed check is acceptance of payment in full. Damn, yesterday I also send an auto payment to pay off the entire amount that I owe on my car.

After discussing it with Aussie and my little brother; we all agreed that since my car is worth more then I owe & no MINI dealership will give me for a trade what I can get selling it to say Carmax, then it would be in my best interest to pay it off then sell it right when I go to buy my MINI. Did that make sense? I hope so.

Now once I get my title I will go get an estimate from Carmax and see how much I can get for my little baby. I'm not trying to rush buying my MINI which I'm sure if quite surprising since I've wanted one for so long.

Wow, I feel a nice sense of relief.

Did I mention that I decided to start looking at houses? I've found 3 that I like so far but I am in no rush. My sister-in-law is a realtor and she got my little brother into his new house. He got the keys Sunday although the financing isn't closed yet... the advantages of buying from a family friend. It's a done deal & I think they finish closing sometime this week.

I need to get a promisory note or whatever from the guy that my SIL uses [same guy my little brother used, he's her go to finance guy]. It's nice to know that my first purchase is going to be a great one and there is no way I can get screwed.

Lunch time & I need to run home to set up my DVR for both Bones & House!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011