l Too much yawning l

| November 03, 2005 || 5:02 p.m. |

I did not sleep for the life of me last night. Blame it on the excitement of the Kings 6-3 victory, the 4 or so beers I had or being upset because of something retarded. I woke up numerous times and had nightmares that I was 5 minutes late to work and got fired. I wasn't late btw

One of the newer Selection Coordinators from the Showroom came in to do a little paperwork and said "So you're coming over to the Showroom". I was like.. Umm I am?! Who said that? She said that the Director, the woman I've been chatting up for over 6 months told her that when the girl mentioned that one of her friends was interested in the position. How exciting is that? I don't know when this will happen but the showroom is almost finished with construction, it should be done by next week though and I know she had told me she wanted to wait until the "dust settled" before bringing me over. Now nothing has ever been told directly to me in any form confirming that it was really mine and going to happen but if she told that newer girl herself well then... awesome! My new boss was saying that it was in jeopardy, the promotion was because of my absences. My absences from my Mom dying, my surgery... umm yeah those absences are putting my job at risk. I've all ready bitched about that though.

I was invited to join the free tarot class from TABI. I've been waiting for a few months at least to start. Ironically enough a couple newbies and I started a study group to help one another learn while waiting to get in the class. I don't know if any of them got in the class today or not but that would be fun to be in there with a few people I just met and are really getting to know.

I need to make sure I can focus and put in the adequate study time necessary to pass this class to. It will require at least 3-4 hours a week and I can't fall behind! It will be very nice and a whole lot easier to manage my life with the Showroom schedule.. Ooh I can't wait!

Time to get! Appt at the Showroom & then printing out pics for my new wall divider photo thing!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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