l Happy Friday the 13th l

| January 13, 2006 || 5:00 p.m. |

Two people from my company are gone as of today. One was fired and the other quit (from what I've been told). Another (mgr) has been offered a significantly lower position and if he does not accept it he too will be fired. That's exactly what they did to a reg.sal.mgr last year to get rid of him. Offer them a shit position you know they would be stupid (or have no self-respect/dignity) to accept.

Shit. This is going to be going on for the next two months. Oh growing pains. Gotta love it. Sure sure sure. I was offered that other position because they are making speaking spanish a requirement so had I not said I was interested in the move (mostly because I loathe my boss) I would have been terminated for sure soon.

My closing date is now pushed back until the seller can go to court which is scheduled for the 30th. I wish he had been able to get an earlier appointment but I guess it could have been even later, huh? I spent an hour or more calling every place I bought something or have service trying to reschedule everything. I didn't know exactly what date to schedule anything for and until I interview (and know that I will be moving to another department on the 30th) I can't really committ to taking any days off to close or move. If the VP gives the green light that it would be acceptable then I can go back and change stuff to be delivered before the 4th (Saturday). This totally sucks but I've heard that if negotiating goes as smoothly as mine did you can bank on problems with the closing. Man, real estate school was 100% right when they taught that to my sil.

Yay. Now I'm going home to clean my apartment and do laundry on a Friday night. I'm just thankful that the full moon is tomorrow and not today - I don't think I could handle the effects of both being Friday, the 13th and a full moon.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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