l First night skating l

| January 20, 2006 || 10:24 a.m. |

The damned practice was awesome! I am stoked about doing this that I can't even begin to describe how great it felt to get back on those wheels and comfortable again. It took about 20 minutes (I think) to stop shaking and feeling like jello on skates. Once I found my center (seriously you need to be centered so you don't go boom), I was able to pick up speed and start trying my old tricks and I did them all! I even got one girl (who had my old skates on grrr) to twirl w/ me in the center. Twirling is when you cross you arms and link hands with someone and spin in circles really fast - kind of a merry go round on skates. Well we went my direction (left) and then hers but even on my weaker side (right) I felt her skates kind of start to lift up. I always was the master of twirling. Back in my day we used to twirl the younger kids and even my friends until one of their legs was airborn and the littlest ones both of their skates would come off the floor and I'd be spinning them in mid-air. I even did that with my younger brother but now if we both got out there he'd have my ass airborn!

The derby girls that were running the practice had us practice some necessary drills which until I get better knee pads I'm going to have to be careful with those: baseball slides, double knee drops, drop and rolls etc. It's actually very hard to make yourself drop down to both knees. It's just against your every natural instinct but as a derby girl you have to know how to fall to keep from getting seriously injured.

I got a bonus today that is about the same amount as my weekly paycheck and to celebrate (as if I needed to spend more money) I justified purchasing my old skates - exactly as they once were. I do hope I bought the right boot size. Those boots are the only ones that you can buy in half sizes and I ordered the same size that I have now in my Boxer skates. I got a hell of a deal on them too (another justification) - about 70 bucks less then I saw them for in the catelogue at skateland. I got them with the pink plates and blue witch doctor wheels! Aww I will be one styling ass mofo on them wheels! Those will be my special skates & I'll continue to use my boxers for outdoor and practices. I'll own two pair of skates! Damn I'm hot stuff. I wish I could show a pic of what my skates will look like but I can't - well not exactly what I will get (not including the pink plates) - just imagine it with a white boot and pink plates: [EDIT: 3:35PM] Okay so after sending off the order I got the feedback that the witch doctor wheels are being re-designed and won't be available until March... so I had to go with blue clear wheels of a different brand that was around the same price and seemed of the same quality. I'm not familiar with dualies (their name) but they sounded good & were only 4 bucks cheaper. [/EDIT 3:37 PM]

Oh I have my interview in about 10 minutes for that promotion.

So far the name that myself and a few others have come up with are:

Angel "eat my" Dust
Angel of Death

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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