l First night home l

| February 01, 2006 || 4:08 p.m. |

I have the best family in the world! My Granparents came by with my younger brother and helped me move both my bed and my couch to my new house so I could sleep and have a place to sit. It looks great but is a little scary being in a big house alone. I'm not used to having so much room to roam and wonder about what's going on in those rooms.

Silly little me didn't want to sit at home with no TV or entertainment so I went off to the bar with Twiggy aka Midcities Piercetress (a girl on my team). I had a lot of fun, she's such a butterfly I don't think I talked to her for more then 5 minutes in a row but she did introduce me to all her friends (she seems to know everyone but I guess being a piercer you get to know all the local bands and such). One in particular individual I ended up talking to the rest of the night... about 3 hours I think. Maybe more, I forget how long we were at the bar. We shut it down I know that. What a beautiful creature that was, very intelligent, smart and sexy. An entrepreneur in fact.

It was nice to have an intelligent conversation, not that I don't ever get that but it's rare these days. We had a lot in common as far as our views about children, how they should be raised, families, politics etc. I think we about covered every topic within that time span. Lots of little flirtatious gestures then by the end of the night I was looking into some pretty intense & seductive eyes. I was a good girl... kind of. Okay, okay, there was a kiss. not a very good kiss but being drunk (hopefully) had a lot to do with it. It was one of those wide open mouth, don't wanna close the jaw kind of kiss. I'm all about meshing. being soft, delicate and going with the flow but this was like umm... there's no good comparison really. Just open your mouth and tongue. Kind of a turn off but like I said a lot of drinking had occured. I left with a promise of a phone call but lord knows I'm not holding my breath. I don't even know if I am ready to go fishing again but regardless my rod is waiting for me by the door.

Funny thing is I don't even consider myself single. I don't even know if I should consider myself not single. I get no word either way. It's about damn time I get paid attention to and feel as if I am interested in. I know where my heart is but now is the time when the pain is so much that I have to leave my heart behind even if only for a little while.

So back to the house. I got home after 2am and got to sleep a little less then 4 hours before I had to run out the door. I've been horrible about getting out of bed in time and rushing. I can't do that now cause if I run out late then I get caught in the hell that is the line to the highway. two lanes and some messed up lights = Tx does not know how to construct streets, on or off ramps properly. I need a mat for my bathroom. I realized this when I was getting into the shower this morning. Cold floor and then wet feet is not that great.

Ooh I have no garage door opener. I have to get out of my car, through the front and then open the garage door from inside & same thing when I have to leave. There is a keypad on the outside of the door but no clicker and I don't have the entry code for the keypad either. I hope my sil can get that from the previous owner soon. That reminds me I need to get extra keys made.

Tonight I am headed home to meet the dish guy (yaya tv!) and then some women that are going to give me an estimate to paint. Did I mention that the entire inside is celery? ya. I think I am going to paint my bathroom a very, very pale lavendarish color but keep the rest of the walls a muted beige. I might go ahead and have them do the accents too cause it turns out my walls on the fireplace area doesn't really have a crease or 90 corner it just kind of umm... curves or is rounded? I don't know if that is the right verbage but it would make it difficult for me to paint a straight line down.

After they all leave I plan on vegging out and going to bed early. No more moving tonight. I will do it all tomorrow before the movers come to pick up the rest of the big shit Friday morning (courtesy of my granparents).

The Aussie was going to come over and bring all the things that he is giving me that was my Mom's but something happened between the hour that I talked to him and the time I talked to my Gramma last cause she told me that it wasn't a good night for him after all and he'd have to come over another night. I think all the talk about my Mom got to him. Poor guy, he really is suffering with it more (it seems) then we are, being there day in and day out is not very healthy I guess.

He's also giving me the big comfy red couch that my Mom bought for the entry way. I'm going to put it in my office along with all my Betty Bo*op stuff so the colors fit perfectly! Black and red, except the walls are that chocolate color, oh well it's almost perfect.

I can't wait until I get my refridgerator so I can bring my food over, it kind of sucks having to eat out all the time. I'm going to get fat... wait a minute I skate too much now to get fat!!

Oh yeah. My Roller Derby Team - The High Seas Hotties, we're sponsored by both a gym and a tattoo shop (Twiggy's shop) so not only do I get a free gym membership (with free tanning) but I get a sweet ass hook up on tats and piercings! ROCK!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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