l Welcome to a nice new week l

| March 13, 2006 || 5:40 p.m. |

I actually got some more stuff done around the house this weekend. I spent Friday night at home then went out for Rumblin' Rose's birthday bash Saturday night. I picked up O'Raney (one of my derby teammates) and we had a lot of fun hanging out. I even ended up passing out in her bed when I drove her home. I initially just went in to use the bathroom but after talking for a while and watching a bit of a few recorded Rollergirl episodes I ended up snoring away. I left at 830am when I woke up and crawled in my own bed to sleep until almost 1 in the afternoon. I wasn't going to do anything at all on Sunday but I was hosting Sunday Family dinner, my first one!! I ran to Walm*rt to buy groceries and a new light fixture to replace the one I busted trying to get that sofa sleeper thing in what used to be my office.
My younger brother was kind enough to mow my entire yard for me. I was so sound asleep that I didn't even wake up with him mowing and watering my backyard! My brother was even nice enough to install the new light fixture in my hall. I didn't even ask him to, he just did it! My sil talked my older brother into putting up the cabinet in the guest bathroom but I had bought the wrong sized molly's and it would not have been enough support to hold it.

This week is going to be a nice busy week and weekend. Tonight a friend from myspace is flying out for business and we've never met before. She was going to come out months ago to go to a hockey game but she ended up losing her job & I never made it out for a game either. Her flight comes in around 8pm which is perfect since I am off work at 7, running to Str*ud's for a work out practice with my derby team. I should be finished around 830/9pm and then I can go meet up with her for drinks. Unfortunately she could only stay until Wednesday afternoon so I get tonight & tomorrow night to hang out with her. Bummer it is but at least it's something.

Okay so Thursday is my only night to myself. Friday is my friend's Mom's bday and she wants us to take her to the Drag show. She went with us back in January for Brandy's bday and her mom just loved it!

Starting Saturday I have two of my Great Uncles, one Great Aunt and one 2nd Cousin flying out to be here for my Poppy's neurosurgery which takes place a week from this Wednesday. My Uncle is flying out but not until Monday. My poor Poppy has an anurism and in his family most who have had the surgery got messed up or their brains scrambled. I wonder if I will end up losing my Grandpa next week? I really hope not and the way the family is all flying out to be here it almost feels like they might feel the same way. It's a scary thought. I can't really handle losing someone else close to me. I just pictured Winona Ryder is Bram Stoker's Dracula as she asked Gary Oldman's character to "take me away from all this death".

Someone, anyone, please just take me away.

So yeah I have a ton of stuff going on this week/end. I still cannot get dsl at home & apparently my only option for dsl is through sbc, no other company offers it for my number or area. I think sbc has a lock on that, if you have their phone line then you can only use their dsl service. it almost makes a girl want to switch but I really don't want to lose my phone number, I kind of like it.

Okay my appointment is here I gotta jet. Miss you ALL!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
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A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011