l Is it time to go home yet? l

| March 14, 2006 || 6:40 p.m. |

What is with me lately on this roll? I didn't even realize there was a contest at Ben's half yard house yet I won for best female vocalist (still wondering which song they judged) and then last night I took my dear, beautiful friend VaLorie out to the Gayborhood for her first Sue Ellen's encounter and I knew they had karaoke but didn't know about any contest.

Well despite my horrible sore throat from the damn wicked weather recking havoc on my poor sinus' I managed to sing about 6 songs (I think) and won $50 bucks at the end of the night. Now mind you I was up against two gay mens and there was a majority of women in the audience. I seriously doubt that a man was going to win no matter how gay or good a singer he was... come on folks it's a lesbian bar!!

So now my throat is completely trashed and even yawning hurts. Just to be absolutely safe I went to the Doctor's this morning and sure enough I don't have strep or anything contagious just lots of gross ickiness from my allergies. Fucking whatever pollen is killing me, it's gotta be the weather changing too.

I found out today that my insurance will cover my old allergra habit but only if I can submit a receipt for both sudafed and claritin to prove that for 30 days I took them and they did not work. Fuck if I had known that I would have saved my receipts from over a year ago!!! Who the hell saves those things anyways? I am tempted to just go buy some and then sit on the receipt to send to my ins company. bastards.

So yeah, now I'm $50 bucks richer. If only I can get back to Ben's to spend that red bucks they gave me. That's a pretty nice drive though unless I am going to sing again. That would be worth it!

*update edit*

I'm sick y'all. My doc thinks it's either just irritation from my sinus' being all messed up or it could be mono or a viral tonsilitus. Great. I've never had mono before and with as tired and fatigued as I feel along with how sore and swollen my throat is I think I just might have that. I feel like shit and I can't even shake it. I work at X tomorrow from 9 to 5 and tonight is my last night with vaL in town - I have to have her come over to see my house. I just want to crawl into bed and sleep. I think I have a fever starting as well cause I've been getting a bit chilly in these last few hours. I don't think I can continue to go on like this. I am telling X tomorrow that it's my last day. I can't spread myself so damn thin anymore and I really don't want to. I was supposed to work at ODS this past Sunday and I didn't remember about it & now I am scheduled to work there this coming Sunday. I need ONE FUCKING DAY OFF - or TWO! OR THREE in a row would be GREAT! I don't think that will happen until I go to my friend's wedding in mid April. That's too far away to make me happy.

Hopefully I can take a nap when I get home before I go pick up VaL. I'd feel horrible if I flaked on her. Damn responsibilities!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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