l Are you having fun? l

| March 25, 2006 || 2:28 p.m. |

Whoa, another few days of no updating.. I swear I've been on here and tried to start something but work pulls me away. Okay what have I done since the 18th? That's tough to remember. I spent the weekend for the most part at home resting. I really do want to start enjoying my house more. I didn't go out... did I? It sucks when your days run so much into one another that you can't remember what you did an hour ago.

I started to put my desk together but only got about 1/3 of the way in before I decided to just stick to watching TV. I worked Sunday at ODS which wasn't too bad, it never really is - that job is such a cake walk.

Well I started the above paragraphs a couple days ago so now it's been almost a week since my last entry.

I am meeting and smoozing with a lot more people for roller derby right now. I just took over as head of sponsorship for my team so I am really putting my nose to the grindstone to make sure I can do the best damn sponsorship job ever & get the damn deals done that we all want done. Between work and derby I have very little time & barely any time to get on the damn computer. I really need to look into another phone company so I can get internet.

I've kind of hooked up or started talking to a guy in this band called 7 circles (it's actually spelled out but for here I will only use the numeral). He's a really sweet guy that I've talked to a few times at my new Cheers (Wednesday night karaoke). I get to hang out with about 4 or 5 different bands that hang out there which is really cool cause they are all so very supportive of not only derby but my singing. I don't know what I am going to call him yet but he's a cutie. Conun, well I am giving up on him. Neither one of us can make time for the other unless it's super late at night & I'm not going to end up a regular booty call or whatever you want to call it. He's a great guy & so damn sexy but I refuse to be only a nighttime gal. I need and want more then that.

Ummm...whatelse? I'm brain dead and I can't think of what to write about. I bought a patio swing that lays down like a hammack for my backyard... I bought a gas grill so I can grill stuff in my backyard (now I just need to actually cook at home & be at home). Still haven't finished putting together the desk & I doubt I will this weekend. I have practice tomorrow night & I think I work at ODS tomorrow too. It would be nice if I didn't though so I could sleep in or do something with my house. Dammit 12 to 4pm. Fuck that means I have to take all my gear with me so I can go directly to practice afterwards. Fun times.

Ooh I found the movie Puss n Boots at Walm*rt the other day for like 5 bucks - I used to LOVE this movie & watch it all the time when I was a wee little one so of course I had to buy it and also buy a copy for my niece and nephew. I just hope they enjoy it like I did as a kid. They might not understand it or even care since it is a older movie but still... I had to. "Merci Buck up!" Haha, I remember that line just so well. The little girl trying to learn french or just mocking the french tutor. I forget but I'll watch it this weekend maybe to refresh my memory.

Wow, I've been gone a week and my dear old fellow libra friend is back updating!! Welcome back Srch4balance! There's no point in linkage since you're still locked (lucky me I still remembered what it was). I don't know if you are reading me or not but I was and am so excited to see you back online. Big hugs & kisses!!

My dear Tracey wrote me a beautiful little paragraph that made me cry the other day. I miss you so dearly! I gotta get running so I can get ready for my final in an hour & make sure I can get something in my belly! I barely have been eating lately and that's not a bueno thing.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011