l Date update l

| April 22, 2006 || 5:57 p.m. |

Date went very well. He took me to a nice hibochi place (never been to one of those) and we actually ended up across from a defensive lineman on the Cowboys team. He has his daughter this weekend so it ended a bit early so he could pick her up. He talked a lot about her and how much we'd get along, what she likes etc. Makes me think a lot about what direction I want this to go. Do I want this to go anywhere?

I enjoy being with him very much so. He's incredibly sweet yet not a push over. He can be a smart ass but not in the arrogant annoying piss off kind of way. I want to be able to show you all what he looks like but I have no pictures...yet. I'll figure out a way to sneak a pic or something. He's so handsome and in a very clean professional way. It's a complete 180 from my last (one way) relationship. He's always dressed in slacks and a nice button up - I think I've seen him in jeans and a tee shirt once. He was scruffy that night too. I remember him lightly brushing his stubble on my neck apologizing for having not been completely clean shaven.

I went out to Dallas afterwards & not only did a bunch of my derby girls show up but my dear friend Miss B was there & she told me that she is moving back in about two weeks from Palm Springs. She has gotten together with the girl she moved to PS for's ex gf. The lesbian community is so incredibly small it's no wonder the lword's circle was so painfully relatable (spelling?).

Time to get the hell out of here for the night. I would have written more but I was in appointments all damn day.

I'll continue my CA adventures stories when I get back to work on Monday.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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