l I have a bf dammit l

| June 01, 2006 || 7:10 p.m. |

I have a boyfriend now dammit. I was tricked. Am I bitter? Yeah, I should change my name to abittergirl, she seems pretty happy w/ her Tenor and now I'm the bitter one having been tricked by beerguy into a damn relationship.

Ya see he got really jealous lat night cause Twiggy told him that I kissed another guy (I gave a friend a peck on the lips, well it is one of those other band guys that I was "talking" to for a while/off & on). He no likey that too much and asked me to talk to him outside. He then proceeded to tell me that he couldn't see me anymore or that he didn't want to see me anymore...at all. After I told him that Twig makes mountains out of molehills and it was just an innocent little peck amongst two friends he dove into some spiel about all or nothing, commitments etc. Dammit if I didn't end up agreeing to a fucking commited relationship. I'm someone's fucking girlfriend again. Is there anything wrong with that? Not really but it's not where I wanted to go with anything. I wanted freedom, carefreeness and friendship. I don't want sex and complications that come with a commited anything. I'm a damn derby girl that has a ton of fun and now I am going to monitor myself and try not to do anything that could or would hurt whatever it is we have now. Shit. That sucks...

I guess I'll just have to ride it out and see how this whole relationship goes... Ran out of time folks so I will try to update again w/ more later.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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