l Damn it feel so good being bad! l

| June 03, 2006 || 2:36 p.m. |

I'm a very bad girl! I can't be in a relationship right now. It's pathetic really, I don't know why I ever let myself get tricked into this. He's so sweet but I am not ready to be a good girl, I am enjoying having so much fun w/out having to worry about what I am doing. Fucking consequences - suck! *I refuse to tell my juicy secret as to what does make me such a bad, dirty girl*

Our bout is tomorrow. I'm not as excited about both of the bouts this month mostly because of where it's at. We found out they put down a brand new plastic coating which tears the flesh right off your body when you fall. Needless to say the girls will all be wearing pants rather then our hot little skirts.

We're hiring a bunch of new people here at work and it's about damn time! We are so short staffed it's pathetic. The bitch quit a few weeks ago and then my temp roomie's last day was Thursday. I am a bit disappointed about her leaving now. I've been having so much fun having a cool, non psycho roommate for once. I actually have given some thought about getting a roommate - I'd be extrememly picky and do all of the research/background/references etc before making a decision but it would be nice to have a bit of help w/ the finances, especially since I've all but gone through the entire lump of insurance monies from my Mom. I don't have near what I wanted to be able to put down on my MINI but that's ok, I really do enjoy not having a car payment right now.

I guess I could talk more about beerguy, the new bf. I just can't see myself with him for any lengthy duration. It's just not or he's just not "the one", I don't think. What's funny is my roommate really likes him for me, my derby wife really likes him as well & then there's my cousin, well she doesn't know him but based on looks (myspace) she doesn't think he's my type, or more like what I would go for normally. That's totally true, I've never been a groupie or one to date the jocks or musicians. I don't know what I would really say is my "type" but not so much him. Don't get me wrong I do like him.

The other night when we got back to my house from karaoke, he layed on the floor when I was playing with my puppy and started kissing me - about two seconds into it he whispered how he wanted to "make love to me". That's right about the time I said... Ummm it's late, I think you should be going. Seriously I did say that. He asked to stay the night or asked if he was but I had to work earlier then normal & he had to get up early for some work detail thing so I said it wasn't the best idea. I wonder how long he'll wait before getting upset if I don't sleep with him. Hmmm... It's strange, well kind of funny, I am not that psyched about having sex w/ him. It's not up there on my list of must do's. Or should I say he's not up there on my must do list.

I think I'm dooming this relationship. I've hexed it. I'm setting it up for fail. That's what it seems like at least.

I think I'm going to use my new camera and take some pics of my house when I get home tonight. It's about damn time I finally show you all what it looks like w/ my stuff in it.

Umm.. Okay, I've hit a mental road block. I just can't seem to think about whatelse to write about. Anyone have any topics of conversation for me? We can do an Angel Q & A!!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011