l Too many dirty thoughts in my head l

| June 06, 2006 || 1:22 a.m. |

The Bout was awesome! We won with like 84 to 23 or something like that. I didn't get to play because my allergies fucked me up so bad that I ended up self-medicating too much which fucked me up even more. I was shaking so bad and sweating a storm, I could barely stand up let alone roll around on my skates. My wifey made sure I was taken care of and so did Timmy (our mascot) and his wife. I was well enough after the bout to go to the afterparty - which that is always a bit crazier then any normal night out. I made out w/ derby girls and even hooked up w/ a certain someone that lately I just can't stop thinking about. Damn me.

Beerguy came to the bout and I was so fucked up that he thought I was "pretending like he wasn't even there". Damn sensitive mother fuckers! I don't need that shit, I don't need anyone keeping tabs on me or trying to make me feel as if I am doing something wrong - it's a fucking game that I'm involved in and if your sorry ass gets to feelin left out or ignored then stop by where I am at once in a fucking while!! Seriously communication is a two way street. I am so over it, it's pathetic. I think I put two and two together as well. I have a HUGE nasty ass bruise on my arm and I really am starting to think that it was from him when he pulled me outside to "talk", ya know when he tricked me into a fucking relationship. I'm going to give him a check for the camera he got me and say that we just have to be friends. I am tired of this bullshit.

So yeah, I have a crush. I have had this crush for a while but never thought anything would or could come of it. I'm sure it's not the best idea but it's fun and I am really enjoying the titillation. This one's young and seems to be a bit on the shy side, which is funny cause normally I am not the shy girl myself but I find that with this one I am pretty damn shy. Another funny one is this one is about um.... 5 yrs younger then me!! Younger then my younger brother even!! I usually always have a big problem w/ talking to younger ones, even if they are just the same age or a bit older then my younger brother... I don't know why this one is proving to be so much more different. I'll have to come up w/ a good nickname for this one... It'll take some time I'm sure but I'll think of one.

I think my sex drive is increasing a bit which is pretty damn good cause it's been slow to dead for many months now. I'm pretty happy, well I will be after I take care of my dirty business.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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