l getting a it better now aren't i? l

| July 11, 2006 || 1:28 a.m. |

I had Friday off for once because I switched with the girl that took my receptionist position before I left Corporate. Let me think for a minute what I did. I know I went out Thursday night and stayed out pretty damn late. I didn't get up early enough to go out to the Taste of Dallas with a few friends that were in town but I did laze around and go cash my check. I paid my mortgage and as it turns out because Ch*ase bought my mortgage I qualified for a premium checking account. It's about damn time that I got a local bank so I can not get charged fees every time I need to get $ out of the atm.

Let's see. I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean Friday night and it was good. I have to admit that I got really confused right at the end but apparently they have 3 all ready shot and ready to be released next summer. I will definitely have to check that one out so 2 makes sense.

For those who haven't seen it yet... beware it is about 2.5+ hours. Our movie started at 10:15 and we were walking out to the parking lot about 1am. I was yawning so damn bad that even though a few friends were watching the spazmatics at bellbottom's, I was too tired to do anything then drive home and sleep. In fact I was so incredibly tired that I forgot to stop by Scuba Joe's to see if that KJ had my discs. I really hope that he has them this Friday and I will make sure that I stop by.

I don't want to do anything this week other then practice and work. I am totally staying home and paying attention to my baby Brooklyn. The poor girl had to stay in her cage from 9:30am this morning until I came home from work and practice around 10:30 pm.

Unless I have to be at practice I am staying home or coming right home. Which reminds me: I need to pull the chicken out of the freezer and let that marinate so I can cook it tomorrow when I get home.

I have been impressing the head honcho's at work these past few days. I have a lot of appointments that I have been managing to get done last minute or in lieu of. For instance I had two scheduled today and I got two done at once and the last one was a no show but I had one couple show up and ask about when we could do it sooner & as it turned out we got their blueprints just that morning. So that means that I should have had one final appointment when two were scheduled but I got three in. Now I do have to reschedule the appointment that was a no show but if I can get them in this week (other then thurs or fri) then that makes more then my "goal" for the week. We typically want at least 2-3 finals a day which with all 3 coordinators makes 25 for the week. 5 a day = 2 or 3 per coordinator a day. We were overbooked for Friday night and Thursday and it just so happens that the last appointment I did at the last minute was one that I was supposed to reschedule. Now if that doesn't prove that gawd works in mysterious ways then I don't know what does.

I've had a lot of couples request me from the other regions, to do their finals. Now I do all the Southern region appointments unless it's a day that I am off (wed) or all ready booked, but when a couple won't schedule with anyone other then me then that says something. A woman today told me that the girl that was my corp. replacement, called her to schedule her final, that she was really rude and offended when she asked to be schedule with me and me only. Now I don't know if that is true or not but I am going to let my former replacement know that for future reference.

[new topic] I made a bad-ass lasagne/cassarole last night. I had the k*raft sharp cheddar mac and cheese (not the milk and butter kind but the creamy cheese kind), browned some ground beef, mixed in a regular spaghetti sauce (with the beef), then layered the mac with the beef while topping it off with mozzerella cheese, cooking it for 20 minute at 375 (my oven cooks under temp which is why I cooked it for 20 rather then 15). Now I do have to say that I added minced onions, minced garlic and cilantro into the meat/spaghetti sauce mixture. It was so incredibly delicious that I ate two big platefuls then took the rest to work so I could reheat it for lunch. That was just as tasty. I don't care what anyone says about leftovers...that shit was just as good today as it was last night.

Oh I used that Glowfusion self tanner from Sephora. It's 53 sem-odd bucks a bottle and promises that it won't smell or streak. Well it does both. At least on me it does both. My legs look like I have some strange skin disease and I smell like I've been using an over the counter cheap self tanner. I spend $53 bucks when I really shouldn't have and that's what I get. If I still had the reciept I'd take that overpriced shit back but the garbage trucks pick up Monday mornings.

Okay. Confession time. I've been playing Scrabblies with Suisse for the past few months and just recently we've started flirting again. We're finally at the point where he is wanting to exchange the sexy pics we used to. I know he had that gf for a couple weeks before but I've more then made up for it by telling him about the guys I've been with (more then he's been with). He wants to drive out to visit me while I am in Vegas in the beginning of August. Apparently his company bought a company in Vegas that owned them quite a bit of money and he's supposed to start going there at least once a month to work out of that new office for a few days. He'll work that around my Rollercon schedule.

With the few sexual conquests I've had here in TX...that will be a more then welcomed visitation. Seriously, I hate to admit it but he was the best sex I've had in years. There has not been one man here that has even come close to making me have an orgasm like he does. I've cum a few times but nothing close to an actual orgasm. It's pretty sad; masturbation hasn't even taken me as close as I'd like to keep me satisfied.

Okay, That's enough for tonight. I wanted to start getting on a more regular schedule for updating and this was supposed to help with that. What I think it's been 3 days in between updates now? That's a record for me so far.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011