l Still working on a new layout. l

| September 01, 2006 || 6:20 p.m. |

I forgot to mention some of the best news I've received in a while. A friend of mine who is a comedian and does karaoke part time (just recently) at v's Sunday's & Monday's, told me that she's let me come over to her house once the computer is set up and make copies of all the song's I want in their collection. Not only will that make up for the $500's worth of discs I had stolen but give me a ton of new songs like 'Blk horse and a cherry tree'. I sang that Monday night and it was awesome! I always enjoy singing new songs and of course they have Mother Mother by Trac*y B*nham so once I burn that I can sing it where ever I so choose!

My baby Brooklyn is getting fixed today (Thursday),and while I was dropping her off they did the weight thing and she gained .4 lbs - again! So that brings her up to a total of 3.9 lbs. I feel kind of bad getting her fixed but I know it's in the best interest of her health. I would love to be able to breed her but with as small as she is I don't think she'd be able to have more then maybe 2-3 puppies in one litter and I can't bare to think of what could happen to her with cancer and the other health issues that can happen to dogs that are not fixed.

I've gotten a nice look at the bonus that I will be receiving for this month & it's sweet. I don't know yet how much it will be after taxes but I'm hoping that it along with my regular paycheck will be enough to catch up on both my mortgage and my bills. I've let quite a bit of stuff slip a little since Vegas. I'm really kicking myself in the ass for that one. I let things get a little too tight and most of it was because I spent way too much getting my hair done right before I left.

I'm really bad with creating a budget and sticking with it. I need to have my own personal accountant or something that will be like half body guard, half accountant. At least someone that can keep me from shopping, especially when I am working at X. I don't have much of a problem with shopping at ODS since my biggest discounts come from ordering directly from *akley and I have yet to actually do that. In fact I need to put in an order for the glasses that I am buying my Dad - that is or was supposed to be his father's day present.

Okay, The MenG*er hotel doesn't allow pets of any kind but I am going to sneak her in regardless. She needs her pain medication fed to her every 8-10 hours and can't be left alone all weekend long. She's so tiny that I don't think that they will even notice her - plus I think if I keep her in a purse no one will ever know.

What do you think?

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011