l Sad news & some not so much l

| September 14, 2006 || 7:37 p.m. |

My Uncle (great) Troy died this morning. He was 82 years old and lived a full clean life as a minister (pastor or something like that). I think it was something like Southern Baptistry or something religious. Can you tell that I'm not so much?

I've only met him a hand full of times but he's the oldest brother of a family of 7 (8 if you include the (great) Aunt that died from playing with matches under my Grandma Allen's bed at the age of 3).

I know he did a lot of the raising of my Poppy (grandpa) and all of our family has always meant the world to one another. My Poppy is a wonderful man so Troy had to have been just as wonderful to have helped out so much in his raising.

I really don't know whatelse to say about him. We all kind of knew it was coming since he had been in the hospital for a broken hip (something all elderly people seem to experience), and ended up with pneumonia, it was just a matter of time.

Oh a positive note: For those whom have not heard. The High Seas Hotties have been invited to play the Houston's undefeated team, the Psych Ward Sirens at the Verizon Wireless Theater on October 1st. If you are going to be in the Houston area that Sunday it will definitely be something to experience! Especially since the Dallas Derby Devils Travel team just beat Houston's Travel team in Austin Labor day weekend thus winning the Govenor's Cup & being dubbed the Texas Roller Derby Champs!

There will be two "jams". The High Seas Hotties will play the Siren's for 20 minutes (the clock will not stop) and then a special selected team (made up of 4 Suicide Shifters, 4 Slaughterers, 4 Wrecking Crew & 3 Death Row Rumblers), will play another specially selected team from Houston for another (non stop) 20 minutes.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

PS. If I seem very anti-social and unusually quiet this next month, please do not think anything of it. My mother passed away last year on the 25th of September & since the beginning of this month I have not been my usual self. Please be patient and I should be back to normal sometime in October (hopefully no later the my b-day on the 20th).

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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