l Tis flu season l

| October 06, 2006 || 4:18 p.m. |

Well we lost by 4 points according to their score keepers and only by 1 point according to another guy that was keeping score in the first half but was sitting up on the stage for the last half. Doesn't matter really but it was the most intense, hard bout the hotties have ever had. They want to play us again but this time on our turf. We had never played on a sport court either which was really weird. It was like skating on a roller coaster track, it was very bumpy. We did pretty damn good considering we were only playing with 7 girls in the 2nd half to their 11 (one of their girls was taken away in an ambulance because of an asthma attack). They tried to psych us out by telling us the entire time that it was a sold out crowd (4,000) but there was only maybe 400 people. Hell we sell out every bout with 1,000 people so that was nothing.

The DDD got a deal with Cam'el out of the whole thing. We have 7 weeks of promoting to do (one night a week) and Cam'el will pay for all of our girls dues, skating dues included and they will pay for all of our bout locations which also they stipulated that they will pay for us to play at the N*kia Center for each bout!! That will be awesome! They will also pick one girl each week to be featured in some local magazine as the roller girl of the week. It's all about tattoos and cigs which I am not the most tat'd girl in the league so I doubt I'll end up being one of them but I'm not bothered by that. It'll just save me a lot of moolah each month not having to pay those dues.

That was the beginning of the week from hell for me unfortunately. I got home right before 5am Monday morning, slept all day long and had been feeling nauseous all the day before. Tuesday I went to work still feeling tired, nauseous and incredibly sore. I opted to go to the doctor's again and with the fatigue and other symptoms (including abdomenal cramping), she thought I had some kind of bug and wrote me an rx for something to take care of the nausea as well as 2 days off of work to rest. Hell my head hit the pillow at 430pm and I didn't wake up til 10am the next day.

Lovely as it all ready was, I woke up with it being hard to swallow. I managed to be mellow all day long. I tried to watch TV on the couch but my body hurt all too much so I had to get back into bed. Later that evening my fever started getting worse and by 11pm it was up towards 102 and reached 103 when I forced myself to get into a cold shower. I had to get it back down or else I'd have to suck it up and call my Grandma to take me to the emergency room. I really did not want to do that.

It was close to midnight and I think I managed to keep myself in the shower for *what seemed like forever* but had to have been only 3 minutes. That brought it back to 102 but not for very long. Less then 5 minutes later I was back up at 103 and in tears when I made that phone call to wake my grandparents up.

As murphy would have it the advil that I took at 10 that evening finally decided to start kicking in on the ride over so when admitted I only had a mild temp of 100.1. That made me the last on the e.r priority list needless to say so we waited until about 3 in the morning before the actual doctor came in to check on me. No cultures, no swabs, just a look into my throats, eyes, ears, a little listening to the chest walls, breathing, heart - same old bullshit and they wrote me a script for vic0din and more cipr0. I have tonsilitus and an unconfirmed case of strep. Fun, Fun, Fun. At least after another day of my temp rising and falling like the berlin wall, I was able to come back to work. Not that I'm feeling 100% but I'd rather be here at work doing nothing and feeling crumby then still sitting at home with nothing on TV feeling the same way. My temp remains normal and that's all that I really care about right now. I hate that chilly, clammy feeling of a high temp.

I can't wait to get home tonight and relax, watch a new movie that should be arriving from netflix and get some sleep. My little girl has been so spoiled having me at home these past few days I'm sure she'll be starving for attention by the time I get home in a couple hours.

Aussie dropped off those yard toys for me so I can now start to get my backyard whipped into shape. I figured out who's been mowing and edging my front yard. I was scared to death that it was going to end up being the city and they'd backcharge me $300 bucks but I caught the culprit green handed when I went to fill my rx the other day. My end neighbor (the guy that has the corner house across from me), he's retired and has noticed that I am never at home so he figured he'd be nice and take care of it for me. I thanked him profusely and assured him that my roomie would be starting to take care of it for me when she moves in.

This leads me to my next surprise. Turns out she's not ready to leave S.D right now. She started couseling sessions and really feels as if she is making some progress so she doesn't want to leave just yet. She also wants to be in a better financial spot as well as emotional spot before she does make the move. Unfortunately for me, I can't really wait for her to be ready if it's going to take much longer so I am forced to start looking for a roommate. I had one girl that had asked to move in with me but I put her off because I didn't want to be in a crowded house and honestly wasn't sure I could really rely on her as well. She can get a bit annoying just hanging out once in a while so why would I really want to invite that into my home? Well I called her just to see, mostly out of desperation but she was actually moving at that moment into her new place.

I'm not letting just any larry, mo, or curly move in with me though. I'm going to be uber picky. I really didn't want to have a roommate in the first place but money needs to be paid and I just don't have it.

I've got a headache. I need to take a vici and drink more h2O.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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