l Fingers Crossed l

| October 26, 2006 || 4:38 p.m. |

I have a great opportunity that I might end up getting. I auditioned for a KJ position at my 7 night a week karaoke joint. The manager let me run the whole gammit for the rest of the nighta after a little more then an hour watching and just "micking it" (microphone/hosting). He told me that out of all the people he had all ready auditioned I was the best pick. Now my friend was auditioning last night and they have one more person tonight so I am hoping to find out something by tomorrow if not this weekend. It's great money, only 3 nights a week (so far) and I had a ton of fun with it. The DDD Security team came out to support me and of course Miss Lu'cky Lou and her gf. That girl has got to win some award for that. She goes everywhere to help support her derby sisters. It really made me feel good and I brought in a pretty nice size crowd for a Tuesday night.

I haven't heard from my boss from the other mall location. Apparently she is in Houston for a management meeting. Damn, I wish I could have talked to her before she went cause I would like to know what's going on. I think I will be pretty good financially, well decent and ok, if I get this karaoke gig and the other two jobs can work around my derby and karaoke schedule.

My friend that is moving in with me still hasn't found a job so that kind of sucks. I am not letting him move in until he can pay his share and I really could use that help soon. He needs a decent car to drive as well cause the truck that he has is a piece.

My birthday was ok. I'll have to type more about that later because I have to get ready for work and there was a lot of drama because of Pro. Now why I invited him out I don't know. I should have thought better of it but I guess I'm just gullible and always hope for the best out of people. Oh well. I ended up having fun and that is all that matters.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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