l So much to do and so little time l

| December 16, 2006 || 4:16 p.m. |

Talk about the time of year for all shit to break loose. My car officially died on me last Tuesday while on my way to work from my nephew's xmas thing. Can I just say how lucky I am to have made the friends and met the man that I am currently dating? Since I've been going to Vino's and met all my Vino's family I've made some amazingly wonderful friends that have helped me so much spiritually and now most recently physically. My car, as it turns out needed a whole new engine, I guess 136,666 miles was a little too much for my poor Molly. Seriously yes it the mileage was exactly 136,666. I thought the 6's were an interesting touch to say the least.

So I should be getting my car back with a new engine that only has 35k miles on it Monday. I really can't wait. Lex has been so wonderful through out this entire ordeal. I can't even express how great he has been. We've been spending every day/night together for the past 2.5 weeks and surprisingly I haven't gotten sick of him yet. Most guys that I've been dating this past year I've lost interest in faster then you can say "let's order a pizza". I think I could really start falling for him, that is if I haven't all ready started to. Ya, I think I have. He's done so much for me: he's been taking me to work, picking me up, taking me to the other work, staying all night, fetching my drinks (coffee, water and others) when I'm working at Vino's. He fixed my garbage disposal even! That thing has been broken since shortly after I moved into this house. He helps me with the dishes, garbage and everything else around the house. He's practical living with me but he won't be moving in anytime soon. I hope once I get my car back that I can have a couple nights to myself, I kind of miss sleeping alone once in a while.

I need to start getting ready for work. Lex should be here soon to take me. I'm smitten, it's true but I am also not in any rush to push things further then they are all ready going.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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