l oh shit l

| January 25, 2007 || 11:30 p.m. |

ok i have about 5 minutes to write as much as i possibly can. sorry for the lowercase, not enough time... i'm at work at my bar and i have taken a turn for the worse emotionally.

perhaps it's cause suisse is flirting with me more and more but i am starting to get really sick of lex and i think that us having moved in a way way way bad idea now.

i'm getting very moody with him and the poor boy doesn't really deserve it. i know i haven't written about it but the boy has been unemployed for i don't know how long and he just got a job... well it's not official cause they have to do the background check but it's a management position at thursday morning (name changed of course). it's also where (not the same store) my little brother is a store manager... Jayna, i need to fill you in on all that soon.

i think my lil bro had a lot to do with that but i can't wait until he starts. i'm also putting a lot of hope in the fact that once he's working and not in my face 24/7 things will change... cross your fingers for both of us.

i'm just getting really annoyed with him and we've only been together since the 28th of November. it's so wrong but dammit if i didn't think that i was over suisse and then able to fall in love with someone else right when lex walks into my life but then i am so retardedly not over suisse. i can't help but only want suisse's babies and not want to marry lex... it's horrible and my battery is too low to write more...

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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