l At G's updating finally l

| February 10, 2007 || 8:55 p.m. |

Here I am sitting at my Grandma's updating. I just got off work and I still can't get my laptop card to work at home. I paid it so why the hell won't it work? I guess I've just been too busy to follow up on that part either.

Things with Lex are getting better, I think. It's all me, I know it's all me and probably all in my head as well but I find myself getting irritated and my mood snaps at him in the matter of seconds. Perhaps I need to get back on my wellbutrin or something like that. It just seems like my moodswings are on rapid pendulum swinging mode. It doesn't make much sense and I can't seem to really blame it on pms although I did just start on Thursday. *thankgoodness*

Okay, aside from Lex I have a work issue I need help with. I have the opportunity to interview for a Store Mgr position with a smaller rather cheaper retail store. Still clothes and accessories but from what I've been told it's a lot more or a poor quality kind of clothes... I don't what to really say the name of the company... Let's just say it's kind of like a fashion/forever twenty one but I've been told the clothes are not so much younger looking, more older woman style. The quality compared to Xpress is pretty poor...from what I've heard. Anyways, I have the opportunity to be a store manager, full time salaried, full benes after 90 days and vacation after 6 mos. It's great pay and a pay raise after 90 days if I do well. Now I don't know if I will be happy being somewhere other the X but then again it's a great opportunity being a store manager. Will the pay be worth leaving X for? Lex doesn't seem to think I will be happy leaving X but he thinks it's more my call. Hell I just wanted to know what he thought and that is what he said. I know it's my call and I don't want it to be anyone else's but I also want to hear what other's have to say. Hopefully though if I do leave X I won't spend so much damn money at the new place so I will bring in a lot more. Shit. I'm completely stumped. I go in before my shift Monday to fill out the prescreening info. They are looking for someone to start relatively soon from what I gather, the new DM just wants to get rid of the current SM at that location so I don't know exactily what their time line is. I guess it's worth investigating and checking out if I could even back such a line. After all I have no idea how long I would have to wait around at X to move up to a SM position. This other store is closer to home as well.

What to do gals think?

Derby season starts up this March. Our first bout is against the Wrecking Crew on the 31st. We haven't scrimmaged with them at all since the season ended so we have no idea what we are up against. They never beat us last year or the year before but people have been stepping it up a lot lately including myself. I've been getting a lot of compliments on my blocking and hitting these past couple months. I'll keep you girls posted on all that fun stuff.

I better head on home. Lex just wrapped up his filming for the night (4 hours early) and he's wanting to spend some time together. I was actually looking forward to some time alone but I guess that's not happening. It's better now that he's working, we didn't have the same days off last week which was a nice change. I also took his son while he was shooting last Sunday to church and ended up having supper with his parents, his aunt and dad's mom... without him even being there... talk about a little weird but nice. They all just adored me. I tend to have that affect on family. *smiles*

I'll try to get my internet fixed up soon. I'm sorely behind in reading everyone's updates here as well. I think my plate's a bit too full at the moment but why do I seem to still be hungry? hahaha Stupid weight gain joke. I think I might actually be losing weight but right now being bloated I can't tell.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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