l Wow, I updated twice in a week?!! l

| May 03, 2007 || 5:27 p.m. |

I am actually on the floor as a certified server now and I actually really love it! I've been making great tips, so far nothing below 18% and once even a 50% tip (too bad it was a single girl having lunch).

The tornado sirens we going off again last night & with the loss of a few house shingles I'm a-okay. There's really wasn't any touch down from what I have heard so far just a few funnels spotted here and there. I was really paranoid about driving out to the bar to work but I am really glad that I did. We got slammed! Who would have thunk it that people would come out to drink and party after a big t storm and tornado watches that didn't end until after 10pm! The last tornado that my sirens blew for actually did touch down not too far from my house but the bar was pretty damn dead all night long until a few kids came in right around 1am. I'm very sleep deprived but rather than going home and getting the much needed nap before working at V's I opted to come to my Grandma's to catch up on here and myspace.

Oh yeah, in case you didn't notice I took down the password. I really don't give two shits if Lex reads this or not anymore. He kept me up til 430 am calling and text messaging me. How he deserves a 2nd chance and I owe it to him to answer even one of his 17 phone calls last night. The fucker was lucky I responded by text message but I was not going to actually get on the phone with him. His final message (8th, I think), of the night said something about him deleting my # as soon as he hung up. I do hope that is true, it would keep me from having to change my phone # or even just going back to the CA one only. I just couldn't sleep for shit after all that drama. I just had to finally tell him that I started seeing someone else and I just wasn't going to force myself to date someone I didn't love and couldn't ever forsee loving again. I just can't make myself do that. I was called a whore several times in all of those messages but I really don't give a shit cause we had had that talk once and he's slept with over three times the number of people I have. Men are discusting.

I haven't seen the Cowboy in a week and I hope that I do get to see him tonight or sometime soon but I'm not going to push it. I don't want anything other then hanging out and getting to know him better anyways so why get too involved or let it seem like I might want to try for a relationship or something. I'm definitely done with those for a while.

My derby gf/wife, Willow and I are driving to CA for a week. I think we are going to try to leave around the 23rd or 24th. She's never been to CA and I haven't been back in over a year now. I can't believe it's been a year since my best friend Mary has gotten married. *reminder to call her later* I just heard from my lbg (long beach girl), the other morning and she's engaged now! Her man is a geological scientist and a pro moto cross racer/surfer. Wow, talent, money & a great career, she snagged herself a good one!

Well this is trip is really exciting to even think about! I can't wait to see all my friends and Suisse too! I am really looking forward to seeing him again. The one night we spent in August at Rollercon just wasn't enough to get me through the year.

All right, I have to get home, it's a bit after 6pm and I have to get ready for V's. So much for even a cat nap!

I'll do my best to update a bit more frequently.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011