l Just a lil sumthin sumthing!! l

| March 06, 2008 || 1:37 a.m. |

Okay, I know it's been forever since I've written and I am sooooo sorry about that. I am getting internet at home in the next month so I promise I will be more regular and better at updating ya'll with my life... promise!!

So Coolhand and I are exclusive and have been for a while now. I love him, I really do but he's one of those guys that has to move at his own pace so even though he had been talking about moving in with me he decided to get a townhouse in the same apt complex that he currently resides in. it's bigger and it's a 2 story. The bedroom and bathroom is upstairs and is the size of the living quarters downstairs. The only problem is his sister pretty much stays with him, sleeping on his couch all during the week and now that his only bathroom is in the bedroom upstairs, it makes it a bit ackward that she has to come upstairs to shower and get ready for work when I'm naked with her brother right there in the same room.

I want a key but I know that if I "ask" for a key that's the first way to not get a key. Which is exactly why his sister doesn't have a key to his new place. She knows better then to ask and so do I. But the funny thing is I don't see myself with anyone else other then him now. I mean, I still talk to Suisse and we share a bunch of really bad pics of his new gf, him and me but it's just a fun thing. We like to talk sex and share our sex stories with one another. It's kind of like a weird sex thing we have. It's the kind of connection that we have where we get off talking about our experiences with one another and I've seen more of his gf then most people would because we both get off on sharing our shit with one another. That's kind of bad huh? I think so, but at least I've told Coolhand about all of it and he's completely aware but perhaps he's not as aware as I think he is.

Okay, I really shouldn't be writing right now but I had to take the opportunity that I had presented to me to write.

Hope ya'll enjoyed my little blurb. I will try to write the next time I can.

Miss you all!! Seriously!!!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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