l Twice in the newspaper in one week. Nice. l

| April 11, 2008 || 4:52 p.m. |

I was in the Star Telegram on Tuesday & again today. They spelt mine and my team's name wrong too. I don't know what's so hard to remember about sera and High Seas Hotties. Is an "A" so hard to remember or hear? Oh and we are going to be in the Dallas Quick every Friday before our bouts and if ya wanna read it here it is. I love my league!!

Anyways, I'm a bit ummmm... tired right now so my minds not all there, if ya know what I mean.

Stayed up til about 6am with Coolhand drinking, smoking and watching p*rn. It was a nice evening and I'm actually quite surprised that I was able to stay awake until he got home from work. I think it was about 3:15am and I had done jack shit all day long. Well we had finally made it out of the apt to get some ihop then headed over to my house to try to get his rearview remote to open my garage door but that was a mission failed. As soon as we got home he had to head to work. That's pretty much how it goes everyday. This morning *actually afternoon* we did fajitas and marguerita's, one of our faves. He gets his fajitas and I get my enchiladas - both of us get top shelf margs on the rocks, him with salt and me with no salt. We might have dessert but that can mean anything from ice cream to shots of cabo wabo or chocolate cake. We've got this dynamic that just seems to work. It's a strange one but it seems to be just perfect for the both of us.

Okay, I've got to get over to Vodka Mar*tina's house to finish off the details for the Dallas Derby Idol that I've been planning for our league.

Wish me luck on my Season Opener tomorrow! It's our first bout in the new official sports centre! I'm very excited! We're gonna kick some shifter ass!!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011